Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God was doing His work through my delivering the message in the women’s fellowship last Thursday. That was the first part of the program of Trauma Healing for PNG women that I have been working on. Thank God for His guidance. According to the pastor’s wife, there have been a lot of feedbacks among the women. And they hope to have more messages of this series.   


After the fellowship, some women would like me to take pictures of them wearing the tops and trousers and holding the pencil bags that they made in the Dorcas Fellowship of their church. I thought that there were a lot of rooms for them to improve their skill of making bias bindings, but they were so happy and proud of their own works, and they kept saying that they were like butterflies in clothes they had made.

One of the women walked me back to the house. She would like me to punch plastic buttons on the purses she had made. She had made 11 purses! And all of them were well made, especially the bias bindings. About 5 weeks ago, I had had to told her off for not following instructions and asked her to redo her work again and again. No matter what excuses she had made, I hadn’t let her get away with it. The reason I had done so was that her husband had left her and she had six children to raise, and she should have taken the sewing class as an opportunity to learn new skills and be able to bring more income to herself instead of wasting fabric. I was so proud of her for making so much improvement now. She told me that she had followed my instruction: making bias traps without 45-degree-angled fabric, and ironing them with the iron cup with burning coconut skin in it. Not having electricity or an iron can be a reasonable excuse for them not to make the sewing work right. She had invited some church women to see her working with her iron without electricity and proved to them that it worked. Thank God for giving her the courage to break through her psychological barrier, and making her successful experience a gift for her in faith and for others as a blessing. 


The workshop of making shopping bags started yesterday the 17th. We had a very good time of Bible study and the beginning 40 minutes of it. The ladies generated inspiring answers to the question: When is inappropriate time for making a decision. I also hope the shopping bags they make will bring some income to the church. At the beginning of this month, the pastor told Douglas that the church needed a generator. I suggested the pastor’s wife, Beverlyn, that church women sell their sewing works in the market to raise the fund for the generator instead of expecting out-coming help. Of course, they have to be patient and willing to improve their skills first. Let’s pray for them and grow in faith with them.

Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   Doing the preparation for the Crocodile Festival, villagers are doing a lot of mowing. There is a lot of smoke from burning the grass every day, especially in the evening and at night. May God heal my cough.

3.  May God give me wisdom and strength in conducting the workshop of making shopping bags.  

4.  May God give courage and patience to the women of SSEC church that they are able to make good sewing works and raise the fund for the church generator.  

5.   May God give Douglas wisdom in solving the water supply issue in dry season.  

6.  May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

7.       My visa is due on July, 10th. The application is in process. And I believe my visa is in the tube. May God be in charge.

8.  May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊