Dear all,

May grace of Jesus Christ be with you.



What has God whispered to you in the Passion Week and on the Easter Day? We all know about the story of Footprints on the Beach, and we all ask Jesus to accompany us when we suffer. We are so much comforted as we are sure that Jesus is in our shoes. But…how about us being in Jesus shoes? In 2017, Jesus invited me to accompany Him in His suffering hour. That was an 8-day-long meditation and writing to Jesus. This Journey not only changed my life, but also changed my prayers. “Emmanuel” is not a static word, but to nail all our pride and shame over on the cross and live for the will of God. That’s why Jesus says, “…go and make disciples of all nations…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This is right the secret of Emmanuel!


Thank you for your support in prayers. I am trying my best to comfort my mother and find the right way to make her practice her ability left.


And I also find out the way to stop coughing is to put thermo pad on my back all the time. But somehow the power cable limits my activity range. In May and June, I am supposed to attend intensive sewing classes. But I am still feeling very weak. Let’s pray and see what God would like me to do about it.


Jesus walks along with us, so that we shall not walk alone. Please also participate in our ministry through your prayers.


1. May God protect all missionaries in the mission fields no matter they have to stay or withdraw.

2. May God grant wisdom to PNG government and enable them to take efficient policy to deal with the epidemic.

3. May God heal my lungs and stop my cough.

4. May God’s Divine Guidance be with the process of application of our volunteer’s work permit in PNG.

5. May God heal Kellen’s soar on her right shoulder and right arm.

1. 願神保護所有的宣教士,無論他們留在禾場或必須撤離。

2. 願神賞賜新幾內亞政府智慧,使他們得以採用有效率的防疫措施。

3. 求神醫治Sandy肺部不適及咳嗽。

4. 願神引導我們在新幾內亞志工簽證的申請程序。

5. 願神醫治Kellen右邊肩膀及手臂的痠痛。

Thank you for being our partners


