Dear all who pray for our ministry in PNG, peace from our Lord be with you.


Thank your for your support in the Lord. Last week we were through a lot, and whether in sun or rain, we could hold onto to the presence of the Lord.


Though what we teach are very basic skills of sewing, everything seems to be new technic to the participants. At the end of the third week, we had 17 participants. Splitting them into morning and afternoon sections, the size of each group still worried our landlord about our safety for the room was very small. We were asked to hold the class in the church but there was no one who was able to drive us to church during the week. Eventually, the landlord let us have the final two weeks of class in the backyard.


For the size of the class, we bought an 8mX10m canvas to set the tent. But we were not good at doing it. The tent tore due to heavy rain on the first night and the timbre that we used to support the tent kept collapsing. Our sewing machines too got out of order one after one. Having to fix the tent and try to repair the machines after the class, I once felt very ill. Our Merciful God made us get through the fourth week with 21 participants.


Students who started coming in the first two weeks have finished making their first patterns and cutting the fabric, and now are assembling their first homemade clothing. Last weekend we started giving staff training to two of the participants. It was all out of the mercy and grace of the Lord. As we were studying the story of Jesus’ preaching to the Samaritan woman, we were inspired by Him and hoped we could also be used to lead the people out of the town that was named “drunken”.


This week is our final week of class. Please work with us through your prayer.

1. May the Lord bless Kellen and me with good health.

2. May the Lord’s Word impact each participant.

3. May the Lord hold our tent together through the final week.

4. May the Lord enable us to sort out our problems with the machines.


一、願神賞賜給Sandy & Kellen 健壯的身體。




All for Him


In Christ

