Dear all,

Thank you for walking along the path with me. You might wonder how come I am able to write my updates so frequently since I am fully occupied. Well, actually I cannot afford not to ask you to work with me through your prayer. The more I am involved in God’s mission, the deeper relationship I need with God and with His people as we are fighting spiritual battles.



Since I wrote to you last week, I have got much better from the tightness on my chest. And last weekend with very short notice of request, I even finished writing an article with 3500 words in one night. That was an article on the difficulties and opportunities of cultivating Chinese missionaries in Taiwan. As I was writing it, God strongly inspired me to tell the readers that the requirement of sending missionaries is not the size or the wealth of the church, but the power of the Holy Spirit. And we all have to seriously recognize what “church” actually means according to what the Bible says, so that we are not going to be misled by the world and run for the wrong trophy.


After writing the article, I was very much encouraged by God and became more grateful for what I have been through over the years and appreciate all the pastors who stick with the teaching of the Bible.


These days I have spent a lot of time sharing the duty of taking care of my mother. It was God that allowed me to see the hope when I am very concerned for my old parents. God shows me that even at very old age, my parents can be guided to change the way of dealing with each other. So, I am taking more effort to help them re-discover each other rather than trying to sort out all their problems.


It’s coming to the end of November. And start on December 2nd, I am going to have a very busy month because of my attending an intensive sewing class. Please pray for my health and time management.


Recently, it seems God has been extending Kellen’s mission scope and giving her deeper insight of our ministry than before. I found her much more creative than before. Please pray that I know how to better support her as she is going to take more responsibility.


Thank you for being our partners.


God bless with all the best

