Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas came back to Wewak from Australia via POM last Saturday. During the time Douglas was not with me, I well spent my time reading the Bible and taking online courses. My inflammation of the mosquito bites has dried out.

After a few months of chaos, my family members in Taiwan seem to reached a new balance. My dad accepts the fact that he needs to live on hemodialysis and is not able to drive or ride a bike. All the other family members contribute their efforts. With some help from the neighbors and encouragements from our cousin, we don’t need to hire a caregiver at the moment. Thanks to God that my brother and his wife are able to continue with their work, and my niece and nephew with their study in the university. We all have learned our lesson and become wiser and stronger through difficulties.
經過幾個月的兵慌馬亂,我在台灣的家人似乎達到了新的平衡。 我父親接受了他需要靠洗腎續命,並且不能開車或騎車的事實。 所有其他家庭成員都貢獻了自己的努力。 在鄰居的一些幫助及堂哥的鼓勵安慰下,我們目前不需要雇用看護。 感謝上帝,我的弟弟和他的妻子能夠繼續他們的工作,我的侄女和侄子能夠繼續上學。困難使我們都學習了人生的功課,變得更有智慧、也更堅強。

Ann Thomas, our mission partner, arrived in Wewak last Friday for giving the teachers’ training in Ambunti. She flew to Ambunti this morning(Monday). However, due to the cancellation of flights caused by the riot in POM, Ann’s co-teachers, Christine, who was supposed to arrive yesterday was stuck in Singapore and will arrive on Tuesday.
我們的宣教夥伴安‧托馬斯 (Ann Thomas) 於上週五抵達威瓦克即將進行安布恩提的教師培訓課程。今早(星期一)她搭機到安布恩提。 然而,由於首都莫斯比的暴動導致航班取消,安原本應於昨天(星期日)抵達的搭檔老師克莉絲汀卻被困在新加坡,星期二才會抵達。

You might have heard about the riot in POM last Wednesday. Many shops are looted or burned down. This also happened to the second city, Lae. On Thursday, the banks and some shops in Wewak shut down. But life in Wewak came back to normal very soon since the situation in Lae didn’t turn worse. The news of riot can somehow add on evil doing to evil thinking. The PIM property in Wewak was intruded on Thursday night. The intruders damaged the fence, and then furthermore damaged the lock and the door frame while they were trying to break into our office. The security guards of our neighbor saw them and scared them away. Thankfully, our house was not broken into.
In the past couple years, PNG's currency has depreciated significantly, causing prices to rise sharply. We foreigners might not be affected as badly as the locals since our support is not given in the PNG currency. The fuel crisis that started at the begging of 2023 did a further contribution to the high prices. I do see more and more local people fishing in the sea, by the rivers or by the streams. But even in such a situation, we are often given vegetables and fruit by the market venders. Most local people are warm to foreigners.
您可能聽說過上週三新幾內亞首都莫斯比發生的騷亂。 許多商店被搶劫或燒毀。 第二大城市萊城也發生了這種情況。 週四,威瓦克的銀行和一些商店沒開門。 但威瓦克的生活很快就恢復正常,因為萊城的情況並沒有變得更糟。 騷亂的消息在某種程度上可能會給某些人的惡心添加惡膽。 週四晚上,PIM 位於威瓦克的基地遭到入侵。 入侵者破壞了柵欄,在試圖闖入我們的辦公室時損壞了門鎖和門框。 我們鄰居的警衛看到了他們,把他們嚇跑了。 值得慶幸的是,入侵者沒有闖入我們的房子。
這幾年,新幾內亞貨幣大幅貶值,導致物價大幅上漲。 我們外國人可能不會像當地人那樣受到嚴重影響,因為我們的財務支持不是以新幾內亞貨幣取得。 2023年初開始的燃油危機進一步推高了物價。 我確實看到越來越多的當地人在海裡、河邊或溪邊釣魚。但即使在這種情況下,市場小販也經常給我們蔬菜和水果。大部分當地人對外國人是很有溫情的。

We were supposed to fly from Wewak to Ambunti this morning (Monday). But we had to cancel our trip at the last minute due to the worseness of Douglas’ inflammation on his shin. The medicine given by the clinic in Australia didn’t do any good. We are staying in Wewak and hope to get his inflammation dealt with here. The intensive tasks of shopping, and tiring flights have caused him to lose more weight. Though we didn’t make our trip to Ambunti today, he was instructing the staff in Ambunti by visual calls to deal with the out-of-work fridge and damaged generator, and sort out various problems they encountered. After he finished replacing the lock to the office door and fixing the door frame this evening, he came to the house and did not have the strength to fetch his dinner. He works too hard. Not having enough rest, he gets injured too often and the injuries turn into inflammations easily. I do hope that he finds a new balance, too.
我們原定今天早上(星期一)從威瓦克飛往安布恩提。 但由於道格拉斯脛部發炎惡化,我們不得不臨時取消行程。 澳洲的診所給的藥沒有湊效。 我們待在威瓦克,希望他的發炎能在這裡治癒。 近日來密集的採購任務和疲憊的飛行使他體重掉了又掉。 雖然我們今天沒有去安布恩提,但他還是在透過視訊通話指導安布恩提的工作人員處理罷工的冰箱和損壞的發電機,並解決他們遇到的各種問題。 今天晚上,他把辦公室門換好鎖,修好門框後,回到屋裡,就連去盛晚餐的力氣都沒有。 他過分操勞,休息不夠導致他太常受傷,而且很容易發炎。 我確實希望他也能找到新的平衡。


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God grant wisdom to the government of PNG in ceasing the riot.

2.    May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

3.    PIM has been having a project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. May God bless the big job of distribution.  

4.    MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) has had three accidents last year. They are elevating the standard of requirements to the airstrips in the villages. May God bless them in enforcing their new regulation. 
 MAF(宣教飛行團契)去年發生了三起事故。 他們正在提高各村莊裡飛機跑道的要求標準。 願上帝保守他們執行新的規定。

5.    May God grant Douglas wisdom in coordinating with our mission partners about their itineraries and accommodations for the trainings in January and February.   願上帝賞賜道格拉斯智慧,為一月份與二月份的許多訓練會與我們的宣教夥伴們做行程與住宿協調。

6.    May God bless the teachers’ training in Ambunti that started yesterday: give strength to Ann, pave the way for Christine to go to Ambnuti, and grant wisdom to all the participating teachers.   

7.   May God bless the writers’ workshop in Ambunti that is going to start next week.   

8.   May God heal Douglas’ inflammation on the shin.

9.   May God remember Douglas’ hard working and bless him with good health.   

10.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

11.  May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

12.   May God watch over my brother’s family:remember their hard working and traveling, and bless their work and study.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Nov. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年十二月


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