Dear all,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Last Saturday afternoon was challenging and the Lord made everything turned out beautiful. We got one more church that is willing to constantly pray for us.


Kellen and I were invited to attend dinner on Monday by a prayer fellowship. Out of expectation, it took place at a very beautiful resort that is not far away but we had never been to. Thanks to the Lord for it was the time for relaxation that we needed, and the fellowship hour was so sweet.


We are excited to be informed that our working visas were just mailed to us from Taipei and we are supposed to receive them this week. It took more than one year for the Chinese church members in POM, the capital of PNG, to work on the process of the registration for PNGMM (PNG Mission Mobilization) and then the process of our working visas. That was a lot of hard work. Glory to our God for He establishes the work of our hands for us.


As my ministry in Taiwan won’t finish until January 2021, we are looking forward to going to PNG after the Chinese New Year.


Kellen will start attending a new carpentry class this Wednesday evening. And I have got an opportunity to learn to make kids’ clothing. We hope to be better equipped for serving in PNG.


Please participate in cross-cultural mission through your prayers:

1. May God be in control of the epidemic of COVID-19 in PNG. The latest number of confirmed cases in PNG is 540. Last week it was 531.

2. May God use the workshops and lectures we provide to bless churches in Taiwan.

3. May God grant His Divine Wisdom to us and bless our study.

4. May God grant His divine healing and protection to Kellen’s old mother and my old parents.

5. I have been feeling dizzy recently. May God heal me.


一、 願神掌管新冠肺炎在新幾內亞的疫情。最新得到的確診人數是540,上星期是531

二、 願神使用我們提供的工作坊及講座,成為台灣眾教會的祝福。

三、 願神賞賜給我們屬天的智慧,保守我們在課程中的學習。

四、 願神對Kellen年邁的母親及我年邁的父母賞賜祂屬天的醫治跟保護。

五、 我最近常常感到暈眩,求主醫治。

All for Him



In Christ
