Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The annual members’ assembly of TMM that look place last Saturday went well. We are blessed to that our sending base supports us as we are partners sharing the same vision and serving the One Lord. As missionaries, our challenges are well understood though it has taken discussions time after time over the years, and the committee members are willing to share both our profit and loss. Profit and loss? That’s right. Apostle Paul applied accounting terms when mentioning the relationship between him and his supporters. Well, the Lord is our ultimate big boss.


感謝大家忠心為我們代禱。上星期六舉行的「台灣華動」年度會員大會順利進行。我們十分蒙福:我們的差會是以夥伴的關係來支持我們。---- 同一個異象,事奉同一位主。經過幾年來多次不厭其煩的問題討論,差會深度了解我們宣教士要面臨的挑戰,理事們也願意與我們共負盈虧。「盈虧」?? --- 沒錯,使徒保羅在談到他與支持者的關係時,使用的是會計學術語。當然喽,我們的終極大老闆就是我們的主啦!

Due to the uncertainty of the ticket booking for next month and the huge range of the price difference. We have booked the flight dated January the 8th. And we are trying to get the SOE entry permit approval through the help of the deacons of Tian-En-Tang Chinese Wesley’s Church in PNG. Praise the Lord that Missionaries don’t play the roles of octopuses as no one can be talented enough to do so in the mission field. Thanks to the Lord for He grants us partners in both our home base and the mission field.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us in the application of SOE entry permit, preparation and communication.

2. We are working on finding a long-term- durational medical evacuation insurance package that cannot be found in Taiwan. May God guide us to find one that we can afford.

3. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

4. At the moment, I conduct the one-to-one reaching out course D2B” 6 times a week. May God’s Spirit work among us.

5. May God bless our volunteers, protect them and their families, and give them the patience, strength and wisdom needed.

All for Him



In Christ
