Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We had a good time of fellowship with the church in Ta Liao last Sunday. And hopefully we will be given the opportunity to conduct a lecture later this year.



It’s now the season that we especially remember the passion of the Christ. I am wondering how you “walk along” with Jesus in this period of time of the year. Recently I have been sentimental. Well, I should call it “holy sorrow”.


In my prayers, I have felt sorry that many churches in the world exist not waiting for Christ’s second coming. As so many church ministries that make Christians worn out have merely turned into “activities”, what if Jesus comes back now as a groom and realizes that His bride is not having the wedding gown ready?


This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. --- Matthew 24:14



My extremely busy months has finally come to the end. And hopefully I will be getting a lot of rest in the coming 2 weeks. Next week I am going to be away and hide myself for 5 days. Therefore there will be no bilingual update of mine for a week.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us and make our way to PNG.


2. I am going to deliver the message to the teenagers in the a church in Ta-Liao on March 17th. May God bless us.


3. We need more churches, praying groups and individuals to be our long-term partners, participating in prayers and financial supports. May God provide for us.


4. May God give Kellen and me good health.


5. I am going to seek for the second opinion on May 18. May God be in charge of my medical exams and treatments.


6. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


All for Him



In Christ