Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. I learned a lot in the training course last Saturday.



Kellen and I were so blessed that a church couple came and showed us the basic maintenance of vehicles. I realized I was such a dummy that I would need to repeat the same lesson several times.


Kellen was able to go to the doctor again for the problem with her lumber spine. The X-ray showed that the lumber spine was damaged, and for now she has to take the medicine to reduce tense. The NMR on her lumber spine will be done in July.

Kellen 排到門診的機會去檢查腰椎的問題。X光顯示腰椎有受到損傷,目前的處理就是服藥減輕張力。Kellen腰椎的核磁共振要等到七月才能做。

Considering the fact that the hospital has more advanced instruments than the local clinic. I went to the hospital to have my teeth checked. The result was frustrating though. I was suggested to have my denture destructed before anything could be done. Anyway, I have to pray about it. There is a Chinese expression “cure the symptoms, not the disease”. Perhaps I have to deal with the problem with my immune system first.


Waiting for the day that Kellen and I become healthy enough to go back to the mission field, I am struggling to fit in the lifestyle of spending so much time making healthy food for myself.


One prayer warrior of ours sent me a note telling the vision she saw in her prayer. In the vision, a car was in the garage, and a technician had the hood propped up. With the light in his hand, he was doing a lot of work with the car. And the prayer warrior said to the technician, “You are so caring, careful and thoughtful”. The technician replied and said, “I have to. You know? This car is to go on a long journey”.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. The number of total cases ofCOVID-19 in PNG has been rapidly boosting. May God be in control.


2. May God give me strength for the whole-day-long training on April 24th.


3. Kellen is to give a sermon on April 25th, and she is working very hard on it. But the pain on her knack and her back is bothering her a lot. May God show mercy upon her.


4. May God cure my periodontal disease.


5. May God enable me to rest well and the inflammation within me can be reduced.


All for Him



In Christ