Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Due to the worrisome health report earlier this month, I visited the nephrologist and had a further checkup done. The result was releasing except urethral inflammation. Next month I am going to find time and have my thyroid checked.



The past week was very fruitful. First, my father told me that people in the hospital had appreciated Kellen’s being a caring friend as she had shared a lot of my duty of driving my parents. That was the way my father appreciated Kellen’s love in the Lord. And the second thing was that the teacher in the school where I am teaching math with low-achievement students asked me to have the class visit our church. Another was that I was called “wan tok”….


Last Sunday I gave a talk in a church in Pingtong. My PNG friend, Gipson, who is studying for a master’s degree in Pingtong came to the church to meet me. When we chatted on-line last week, he called me “wan-tok”. That meant we were from the same area. He made me so touched that I was in tears. Since 2011, Kellen & I have been working very hard and doing our best to fulfill the calling from God and be a kernel of wheat falling to the ground of PNG. As a missionary, I felt very much rewarded to be called “wan-tok” by Gipson.

上個主日我在屏東的教會講道。我的新幾內亞朋友Gipson也到教會來跟我碰面。他正在屏東攻讀碩士學位。在網路上傳訊息時,他叫我「老鄉」(wan tok)。我看了都感動得哭起來。Kellen和我從2011年以來,一直為著神給我們的呼召在奮鬥,盡我們所能地成為一粒麥子要落在新幾內亞的土裡。身為一名宣教士,能被Gipson稱為老鄉,我真是感到莫大的安慰。

The calling of cross-cultural mission is not for only part of Christians. CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) is going to hold an on-line mission camp in the beginning of December. And you are invited if you speak Chinese.

神並非把跨文化宣教的呼召只給部分基督徒。CMMI (國際華人動員宣教協會)將在十二月初舉辦線上的宣教營。這是一個以中文進行的國際營會。無論您在何處,我們都歡迎您參加。按此報名

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We were told by the day care center that my mother’s application had been approved, but the Long-term Care Manpower Center denied that. May God bless our application for my mother to enter the day care center.


2. My father has finished his 60 times of electrotherapy. May God make this course of treatment work well for my father’s prostate cancer.


3. This coming Saturday, I am supposed to give a presentation in the general assembly of TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization). Kellen has been working on the preparation for me. May God bless our presentation.


4. The on-line cross-cultural mission workshop of CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) is going take place on the evenings of 1st-3rd December. May God work among us.


5. We are planning to go to PNG in the end of February 2021. May God guide us and make our road to PNG.


All for Him



In Christ
