Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas’ cough is much better now. And he has no more pain in his back and belly. Here in Ambunti, I have received enough help with shopping in the market in the morning and company at night. Basically, I don’t need to leave the house except going to the office and the classroom. That creepy man has kept coming to PIM even early in the morning, wanting to see “Doug’s wife”. And the staff are discussing about requiring help from the police. This is a society that women are not supposed to tell men what to do. And I’d better let them make the decision.

The sewing course has come to the second week. We are blessed with the courage from God. All participants are trying very hard with the technics they are not familiar with, and stay patient to break through the difficulties. We have finished three scenes of the storyboard. The participants have told the story to their family, following the storyboard. And the listeners reproduced the storyboard and are glad to tell the same story. When I saw the storyboard drawn by the grandchild of one of the participants, I teased her and said, “We have a new class rule now: The participants’ drawing cannot be better than the teacher’s.” I bet you can imagine what a proudly smiley face she had.

The women’s group in SSEC (South Sea Evangelical Church) have finished their project of the vest shopping bag. I went to them and took the group picture of their presentation. Thank God that Beverlyn and her helper, Jennifer, are so faithful in developing Dorcas Fellowship in this church.   

During the past week, we had something disturbing. And I was not the only one who was disturbed. Ann is our 46-year-long mission partner. She came with her guest last Thursday, stayed in one of PIM’s flats over the weekend. A drunkard broke into PIM property after the working hour when the gate was not locked yet. Most staff had gone home. When I heard the very loud noise and looked out the window. The drunkard was chasing Ann and her guest, holding a one-meter-long bush knife in his hand. Ann is a very experienced missionary. The two of them managed to escape from him. And Albert, who is a PIM school teacher, drove the drunkard out. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. Ann told me not to walk with a bush knife as I can never win the fight. Oh! I see!

There was a special event last weekend. The Grade 8 students finished their study. I don’t understand the system but someone told me that grade 8 is the highest grade of primary school. This is the first time that PIM school in Ambunti have the grade 8 class. The school held a big celebration over the weekend with four ceremonies of worship and the dedication at the end. The grade 8 students, their parents and the teachers were all in tears with thanksgiving to God.
上週末有一個特別的活動。 八年級的學生完成了學業。 我不明白這裡的教育制度,但有人告訴我八年級是小學(primary school)的最高年級。 這是安布恩提的PIM學校第一次有8年級班級。 學校在週末舉行了盛大的慶祝活動,包括四場敬拜和最後的奉獻禮。 八年級的學生、家長和老師都流淚感謝上帝。

I just finished my 2023 mission report. Counting God’s grace, I can’t believe that the training courses I teach in 2023 sum up 250 hours, not including the hours spent in assisting the students practice for the promotion exam. When I am asked, “What do you spend most of your time doing in the mission field?”, I normally reply, “Surviving.” Besides that, everything is extra blessing to me. Thank God for listening to and answering our prayers!!
我也剛剛完成 2023年事工報告。數算上帝的恩典,我簡直不敢相信,我在2023年所教授的訓練課程加總共有250個小時,這還不包括輔導學生練習晉級考試的時間。 當我被問到「你在宣教禾場大部分時間都在做什麼?」時,我通常會回答「活下來」。 除此之外,一切對我來說都是額外的祝福。 感謝上帝垂聽並回應我們的禱告!!

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord,
who has given me strength,
that he considered me trustworthy,
appointing me to his service.
  --- 1Timothy 1:12
--- 提摩太前書1:12



Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.   May God bless PIM’s project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG.  

3.   My work visa was due in July. The application documents for renewing my work visa had been misplaced by the government department. And the agent has resent them. May God pave our path.  
Sandy 的工作簽證已經在七月到期,而更新工作簽證的申請文件被政府部門弄丟了,代辦員已經重新呈交文件,求神開路。

4.   May God grant me His divine protection, keeping me away from all harms and all fears.

5.   May God grant me enough strength for the sewing course.  

6.   It is the most stressful time of the year for Douglas, getting all the reports ready for the year-end board’s meeting of PIM. May God bless him with good health.  現

7.   My dad’s physical and mental condition is quite worrisome. May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


The latest update of Douglas Sep. 2023 道格拉斯近期通訊 2023年九月


Explore life in PNG with Sandy













