Dear all,

May God’s Spirit enlighten you in everything you encounter.



Thank you for walking with me through your prayers. God’s Spirit hovered around the classroom while I was giving a speech to 120 prisoners last Wednesday. Through the message on cross-cultural mission, we all once again got to phantom the meaning of Emmanuel. Jesus is so sweet though the journey of life is at times rough. Emmanuel is such a wonderful plan of God and such a precious gift He grants.


Recently God taught me the lesson of “emptying” myself. Or we can say “denying” myself. I used to think denying myself meant to work hard to sacrifice. Well, the Chinese translation sounds like that. God changed my thinking through Genesis 32 and 33. As Jacob left his uncle and travelled back to the Promised Land, it came to the time for him to face his brother Esau who was the person Jacob would like to face the least. Jacob who had been full of his own plots now trembled very much and was led to struggle with God in a place named “Emptying”---Jabok. He won the wrestle but God made him crippled. Then it came to the time he saw his brother, Esau, coming up to him with 400 men. I wonder what if God hadn’t made Jacob crippled. Anyway he did become crippled. Perhaps it was his being crippled and having to throw himself onto the ground 7 times instead of his presents that made his brother abandon the determination of killing him. Well, as Christians, we at times become very “bossy” to God and would think we are so right that God “must” bless us with this and that. What if God cut off some or all of our strengths in order to save me from being swallowed by the enemy before I reach the Promised Land? Shall I identify with that?


I have found it a big trial for a missionary to want everything to take place the way I suppose as I have “given up” so many other things. After the trees were cut down, the garden of my parents’ summer house were barren for two weeks. Now it is full of several kinds of wild vegetables that we did sow or plant. It must be the birds who did the seeding. God is so amazing. Harvesting these vegetables, I think I would be very silly if I would like everything to happen within my understanding.


Please continue participating in our ministry through your prayers.

1. In PNG, 8 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported. May God grant wisdom to the government and make appropriate policies be taken.

2. Kellen and I will be conducting a workshop on cross-cultural mission in a theological seminary on May 15th. May God’s will be revealed to everyone in the workshop.

3. I will be giving a sermon in a church in Tainan on May 24th. This is the 3rd sermon I give this church. May God Himself guide this on the journey of the cross-cultural mission.

4. May God be in control of the process of our work permit application in PNG.


一、 新幾內亞目前有8個新冠肺炎確診病例。願神賞賜給政府有智慧採取適當措施。

二、 五月十五日,SandyKellen在一所神學院舉辦跨文化宣教工作坊。願神的旨意藉工作坊顯明在我們心中。

三、 五月24日,Sandy將在台南的一所教會講道。這是Sandy第三次在這所教會講道。願神親自引導這所教會在跨文化宣教的路程。

四、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作許可簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
