Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Having been not using the gas cooker for half a month, we obtained the new gas cylinder last Saturday. We appreciate now more than before being able to cook even when there is a blackout.



I am going to tell you a very touching and inspiring story: On the first day of our arriving in Wewak, March 5th, we met an American missionary, Douglas, that we had never met before. He is one of the leaders of PIM (Pacific Island Ministry) in PNG, mainly staying in Ambunti when he is in this country. Ambunti is in the remote area in the Sepid River basin. Knowing that we had come to conduct sewing class and Bible story-telling, he asked if we would like to consider running our course in the PIM training center in Ambunti.

現在我要告訴您一個很令人感動也很激勵我的際遇:我們三月五日抵達威瓦克的那天,遇見一位以前沒見過的美籍宣教士道格拉斯。他是PIM (太島宣教協會) 在新幾內亞的領導人之一,來新幾內亞期間主要住在《安布恩提》,那是在希比克河流域的偏遠地區。他一知道我們是來做裁縫與聖經故事事工,就問我們要不要考慮到PIM在《安布恩提》的訓練中心開課。

As we had sorted out the issue of buying a car, I made a contact with Douglas during the Easter holydays, and then he managed to send us some pictures. These pictures of Ambunti training center reminded me of Psalm 16. What a pleasant place! But we needed a “sign” from God to make sure about His Guidance. And we made a prayer last Wednesday: If we saw the van of PIM in town the next day and managed to talk to one of their members about Douglas, we would know it was God’s will for us to go to Ambunti. And guess what! We did see their van outside of the store we were going into on Thursday morning, and the engine was started, about to leave. I ran to it and talked to the driver. That was Eric, Douglas’ brother-in-law. I must have looked like a crazy woman that I told him very excitedly about the sign we had asked of God. He told me gladly that Douglas was leaving Ambunti for Wewak on that afternoon. We met up with Douglas and his sister-in-law, Penny, Eric’s wife, on Friday morning, discussing about running a sewing class in Ambunti next month. On that evening, five of us had fellowship in the PIM base in Wewak. It seemed that we had known each other for years.


Monday this week, Penny purchased the sewing machines for the class, and took us to MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) to have our flight booked. On the way to MAF, she read out Psalm 16:5, 6. “LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” Her parents set up the PIM PNG headquarter in Ambunti, and she, her sister, and their husbands inherited their parents’ ministry. They have been blessed and content with God’s assignment for them. As I know, they have served the most grass rooted level in PNG, setting up schools in the remote area, writing text books for schools, training school teachers, pastors, and other community leaders. Now at the age of retirement, they still spend several months each year in PNG, dealing with tasks that local staff still have difficulties in.

這個星期一,潘妮買了上課要用的縫紉機,並帶我們去MAF (宣教飛行事工團契)訂小飛機的機位。在前往MAF的途中,潘妮朗誦詩篇十六篇5-6節「耶和華是我的產業, 是我杯中的分; 我所得的,祢為我持守。 用繩量給我的地界,坐落在佳美之處; 我的產業實在美好。」她的父母在《安布恩提》設立了PIM在新幾內亞的總部,後來她與姊姊及她們的夫婿們承接父母創始的事工,他們因著神量給他們的任務而蒙福,也因此感到知足。他們一直以來都服事著新幾內亞最草根階層的部落,在偏遠的地區設立學校、為他們編寫教材、訓練老師、牧師及其他社區領袖。現在他們雖是退休了,每年還是在新幾內亞住好幾個月,處理當地同工還不會辦理的事務。

When we were in the office of MAF, it seemed that Penny had a lot of something in her mind. She took each step of the procedure thoughtfully. Finally, on the way back to town, she told me something happened when she was quite young. It was the year 1972, when Penny had come back to PNG after college, she worked with an organization of Bible translators. She had a missionary friend, Catherine. Two of them were excitedly planning to conduct a sewing class in Ambunti. When they were about to start this ministry, Catherine died in an air crash. And as she knew, there hadn’t been a sewing class in that area since then. Penny called another sister of hers in America on Sunday and talked about Kellen and me. They both thought of Catherine.


We appreciate that Panny told us about Catherine. Now we know why Eric didn’t think I was nut when I ran to his van so excitedly and told him about the sign I had asked of God, and why we felt like that we have known them for years. Fifty years might be very long for human beings, but it is just a blink in God’s eye. It’s amazing that it took 50 years for God to answer the plead for a sewing class, and one day for a sign of confirmation. Our body in the world is eventually perishable no matter how hard we try to extend the use of it or how sorry we are for our loved who have passed away. But once we step into God’s Great Plan, we shall work for what values in the eternity.


I ran into Penny in the market this morning. We talked more about the sewing class and she told me that they really appreciate that I ran to their van when I saw it in town the other day. When God grants His Guidance and shows us His assignment for us, we have to press on and run for it. You would know she meant it once you see her, as a very skinny and elegant lady, driving a big van very skillfully like a warrior…


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God guide us in figuring out the tax.

2. Carrying one of the sewing machines into the house, Kellen is now again suffering the great pain on her neck, her back and her knee. She has promised that she will not be so stubborn any more. May God cure her pain.

3. We are supposed to leave Wewak for Ambunti on May 9th, and return on May 30th. May God guide us with all the work of preparation for the class.

4. We can only accept 24 students this time, but a lot more than that would like to sign up for the class. May God give the needed wisdom to the center manager in dealing with the requests.

5. May God give us wisdom in preparing for the course to teach in Anguganak TVET Center, and give us better understanding to communicate with the staff of Anguganak TVET center.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png