Dear all,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. And thanks to the Lord that He enables us to have a good carpentry teacher who is very willing to and able to help with our special needs. It’s good that Kellen decided to join the class. It ended up that she caught up with the lesson much better than I did as the teacher started the class with 3D Computer Graphics and Kellen had used to be a computer programmer. The teacher though is not a Christian, he has a very clear picture in his mind about how we are going to teach what he has taught us in PNG. We are so blessed to have a teacher like this.



As I am going to be more involved in the senior people ministry in the church, last Saturday I attended a course on spiritual care of senior people. This is truly a very good course for missionaries as it makes me to better under what receivers need before I give and to establish others through realizing how precious they are.


Like many other missionaries, God has uses me through my character of being decisive and strong-minded. But through redesigning our Bible-story-telling workshop again and again, I have been reminded to be more receiver-oriented. Over the years, Kellen and I have redesigned our run-down as we teach this course in a seminary and among churches to better fit the needs of churches. Even now, I still realize that I have a long way to go to be flexible. At this point, I pray to God to make me more humble and more aware. We are planning to run a Bible-story-telling workshop in Tainan this year. And I need to better communicate with the church.


Please participate in cross-cultural mission through your prayers:

1. May God be in control of the epidemic of COVID-19 in PNG. The latest number of confirmed cases in PNG is 503. Last week it was 459.

2. May God use the workshops and lectures we provide to bless churches in Taiwan.

3. May God grant His Divine Wisdom to us and bless our study.

4. Next Tuesday morning, I am to conduct an Art Therapy program in the senior people’s fellowship in the church. May God’s power work among us.

5. Next week, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, I am going to start teaching math to students with low-performance in a junior high school near my church. May God grant the wisdom and strength I need.

6. May God grant His divine healing and protection to Kellen’s old mother and my old parents.

7. May God be in control of the process of our working visa application in PNG.


一、 願神掌管新冠肺炎在新幾內亞的疫情。最新得到的確診人數是503,上星期是459

二、 願神使用我們提供的工作坊及講座,成為台灣眾教會的祝福。

三、 願神賞賜給我們屬天的智慧,保守我們在課程中的學習。

四、 下星期二早上,Sandy在教會長青團契帶領藝術療癒活動,求神的大能在我們當中運行。

五、 下星期開始,Sandy將於星期一、二、三的下午在教會附近的國中做數學扶助教學。求神賞賜所需的智慧及力量。

六、 願神對Kellen年邁的母親及我年邁的父母賞賜祂屬天的醫治跟保護。

七、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
