Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We have been waiting for our car since the middle of April. It is supposed to our final step of setting down in Wewak. But who would have known that during this period of waiting, my life has been totally changed, and I am now preparing for my wedding? I had never thought this would happen to me since I became a missionary.



Many years ago, my friend Jayatti asked me if I would like to find a man to get married with. Well, I didn’t think I could really find a man who was going to come to PNG with me. That was one of but not the most critical issue. I thought I would have myself well prepared to glorify God, and then I would be alright either being single or married. And God would have His perfect timing. My pastor always says that there is a 3M prioritization when it comes to marriage. That is first who your master is; and then what mission of your life would be; finally, what your marriage would be like or who you are going to get married with and what your marriage would be like. Once we decide that our master is the Ever-Lasting God, and set apart ourselves for him, we would make glorifying God as our mission for life. And of course, our marriage is not for satisfying our own desires, but to glorify God. Then with God’s guidance you would clearly know who is the right one to spend the life with you glorifying God. Knowing that I was getting married, Jayatti wrote to me the other day, “I am so glad for you. This has fulfilled what you had told me before: As you are well prepared, God would have the right one ready for you.” ……Time flies, it has taken 14 years for her to see how God purifies my faith at this point.


As Douglas and I are not young any more, after we announced our up-coming marriage, we had the same challenges from both sides of friends All of his friends know that he took care of his past wife sick in bed for many years. Reading the article written by his father-in-law about how Douglas met her every need in sickness, I was in tears. Then here came the challenge from one of my side of friends saying, “You should not …...He is 10 years older than you. You are going to have to take care of him sick in bed soon.” Well, I am glad I have been well taught by several of my pastors and they have been my good examples. If I have the thinking of avoiding taking care of my sick spouse, I would not tell anyone that I am a Christian. Likewise, one of the ladies who know Douglas for many years wrote to him, “You should not marry Sandy. She is not good in health. You would end up having to take care of a sick wife again.” And he soon wrote back, “If that is what’s going to happen, with the help of God, I will do an even better job.” Most importantly, all challenges make us fathom more and more how Christ loves His church, and we are thankful for having to think a lot deeper of our faith.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God bless PNG and grant peace and wisdom during this month of election.

2. Due to the shortage of fuel, commercial transportation has been seriously cut down. That has caused significant inflationary spike in town. And it would quite possibly develop more social security issue if it lasts too long. May God be in charge.

3. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

4. Kellen and I are developing the teaching scheme of the Level Two sewing course. May God grant us His Divine Wisdom.

5. May God be in charge of the shipment of our car and bring it to us at the right time.

6. May God guide Douglas and me in preparation for the wedding that is on August 13th and provide everything needed at about time.

7. Douglas’s flight to Ambunti this week was once canceled due to airstrip shutdown caused by election disturb. Today he will be put with the cargoes. May God bless him with safe journey to Ambunti and back to Wewak.

8. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png