Dear All,

How have you been doing? May mercy and grace of our Lord come upon you. It has been 10 years since I started writing my prayer requests. Thank you for walking along with me. I hope my "journey" hasn't made you disturbed.



Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if you said, "Yes, you surely have bothered me." But I would still like to ask pardon of you. I understand that it would be quite difficult for you to keep praying for someone you rarely see and who goes to somewhere you can hardly imagine.

其實,如果您說,"妳真的打擾到我了。" 那我也能體諒。您真是不容易要為一個您沒見幾次面的人禱告。而且,這個人去的地方您完全難以想像,要持續代禱真是難為您呀!然而,我還是懇請您原諒我。

For this reason, last Saturday we had our very first PNG Cross-Cultural Mission Workshop. Merely because of God's Mercy, besides Kellen and I, 21 participants attended, including 2 PNG students. All participants very roughly experienced what a Taiwanese missionary have to go through in order to serve the Lord in PNG. And they all generated very good ideas through group discussions. We hope to be invited to more churches to conduct more workshops like this. https://photos.app.goo.gl/zXgsWvf5C5WR8sdy5




Kellen and I have purchased our tickets. We are supposed to leave Taiwan for PNG on 4th July, and stay util 28th Sep. God gave me the vision of setting "Mission Docas" in the town, starting with Bible-storying and sewing classes. We still need God's merciful help to make PMM, Chinese PNG Mission Mobilization , come true in order to enable more Chinese followers of Jesus to be sent to serve in PNG tribal villages. It might take years, but we have to start working on it now as the fields are ripe for harvest and we shall work the works of God while it is day.


As Kellen and I have been so busy raising fund for our ministry through selling PNG coffee beans, sewing hats, blouses and bags for sale......, God reminded me of not forgetting to plant the seed of cross-cultural mission in Sunday schools. Therefore, this month I started to issue the prayer letter for young readers. I wish I had started doing this long ago.


Your faithful participation in prayer is very important to a weak vessel of God like me. Please remember the following prayer requests in your quiet time.


1. The setting and registration of PMM. May God raise His children and all His forces to make it come true.


2. May God grand us safe accommodation and a safe car in the town Wewak where we are going to stay in PNG this year.


3. May God give Sandy & Kellen good health and watch over our old parents.


4. May God give us wisdom to reveal His will of global mission to all the churches we have contact with.


May our good God bless you with all the best


Sandy 20190513