Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas and I were able to hop on the plane to Ambunti last Thursday. The small craft was so packed that we were only allowed to carry our backpacks and a box of eggs. Our luggage and our shopping for the stay and for the class had to be left in Wewak. Some PIM staff had to find the way to deliver them to Ambunti with the supplies for PIM schools after the fuel they bought arrives. Thanks to God that I happened to have a set of Taiwanese aboriginal’s costume in my backpack. It has been making me get through the days of waiting for our luggage. I find it a bit hard not having coffee in the morning. But 100g of Nest Coffee cost 3 USD in the village. I had better wait until our luggage arrives.



Thanks to God that He listens to our prayers about the reception of the signal. We were surprised with the notifications of incoming emails and messages on Sunday evening. This is very important to us, not only for keeping contact with PIM staff, but also because some of our mission partners are coming to PNG and they need to keep close contact with Douglas.


The villagers in Ambunti give us very warm welcome back. Douglas told them how we met each other, ended up getting married, and his four children with their spouses and eleven grandchildren accept me to join this big family. And I realize that they keep saying “thank you” when hearing about our good news. Everyone gives thanks to God that He gave Doulas a new wife after his being single for 7 years.


I am even getting on better with the insects in Ambunti, too. During my past two times of stay here, some of the bites got swollen up like little buns. And the nasty bites I have got this time don't actually get wild. Thanks to God for giving me the adaptability. The protein in my body must have got used to the insects here.

In Ambunti, our protein intake mainly comes from the fish from Sepik River that are sold in the market as a chicken costs about 20 USD and we are not good at hunting. With the supply of fish, Douglas and I can survive without tinned fish or canned meat. However, we can hardly see fresh fish in the market now mainly because there have been severe fights among villages and that makes the fish sellers too timid to go fishing or to come to Ambunti market.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God bless us with continuous good reception of cellphone signal and network.

2. The major duty of Douglas’ in the following weeks is to sort out the electric circuit deficiency in PIM Ambunti headquarter. May God give him wisdom.

3. May God bless our partners in mission who are visiting PIM in the near future months with their preparation and communication.

4. There are 50 teachers serving in PIM schools in the remote areas in PNG. May God grant them safe journey from their home back to work after the summer vacation.
PIM (太島宣教事工) 有五十位老師在新幾內亞偏鄉的PIM學校服務。求上帝保守他們結束暑假由家鄉返回工作崗位的旅途。

5. I was to conduct the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion on the afternoons of January 16-28 in Ambunti. Due to the delay of the delivery of our luggage, the course has to be on 23-28, in both the morning and the afternoon. May God give me strength and wisdom.

6. Joseph Ogmu who was a teacher in the PIM school in Ambunti was transferred to the position as the center manager of the PIM base in Wewak last year due to the frequent medical need of his two children. His wife has been quite ill recently. May God grant His mercy to Joseph’s family.

7. May God cease the fights among villages, so that the fisher sellers can go fishing and sell their harvests in Ambunti market.

8. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊