Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. My dad passed the eye exam and renewed his driver’s license last week.



Kellen and I spent our birthday on the Sunday a week ago. Delivering the messages on cross-cultural mission until midnight, we had a very fulfill day. And we were also aware of some myths that hindered most Taiwanese churches to step on the path of cross-cultural mission according to the teachings of the Bible.


We all need to deny ourselves and grab tight to God’s will, look upon our God of Almighty instead of the limitation of human beings, and imitate Christ in His sufferings. So that we shall not work against the very purpose if the existence of church.


I am blessed that God sent me sisters in the Lord who offer their help with the ministry of making baptism robes. This week Being concerned that my working load has increased a lot recently, Kellen is helping me make the sample and train the volunteers. She is really a very good partner.


As we are preparing for returning to PNG, what makes me hard to leave is the issue of taking care of parents. While Jesus was on the cross, He asked Apostle John to take care of His mother though He had for brothers. God has granted me the “Johns”, too. They visited my parents last Saturday and brought them laughter of joy. Praise the Lord for the Johns.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We are planning to go back to PNG in the end of December only if God’s Will. May God guide us in preparation and communication.

2. Only 1 percent of the PNG population have received 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

3. May God bless our donors and give us enough monthly incoming donation.

4. At the moment, I conduct the one-to-one reaching out course D2B” 4 times a week. May God’s Spirit work among us.

5. May God bless our volunteers and give them the patience, strength and wisdom needed.

All for Him



In Christ
