Dear prayer warriors, peace be with you.

As we Chinese are celebrating the Moon Festival, here in PNG, people in the entire country are celebrating their 44th anniversary of independence. At this time every year, people would wear their national flag as T-shirts or dresses and have tattoo on their faces and arms. Many of the female employees in the stores would wear their Bikinis, skirts and head decorations made with sea shells and strings made of bark.



Praise the Lord. We have successfully finished five weeks of classes of the Dorcas Fellowship in Wewak. In the final week, we shared Bible study with the story of General Naaman and Elisha the prophet. September 12th was our final day of class. We have our morning class students join the afternoon class and we had a cooking class to end the course with a celebration with food. When the tea was over, we took off the big tent that had shadowed us from the sun and the rain for two weeks despise its frequent collapsing. Oh! This made it even harder for us to say Good Bye. We all looked forward to our coming back to continue with the ministry.

感謝神,Sandy & Kellen在威瓦克開設的五週「多加團契」婦女課程,順利告一段落。最後一週,我們分享「乃縵將軍與先知以利沙」的聖經故事查經。912日是課程的最後一天,我們把早上的學生挪到下午一起上烹飪課,順便聚餐。課後大家把倒塌過很多次、卻為我們遮陽擋雨兩星期的大帳篷拆掉,這個動作讓我們更加依依不捨。期待明年Sandy & Kellen再到威瓦克開課。

Mama Shirley and Sister Lily have received the staff training for 8 hours during the weekend. When Kellen and I are away, two of them will teach what we have taught to the new comers and help the others to finish their work.


There is something in the class that has always amused me--- We have conducted a lesson of making a little purse so that the participants would learn how to sew bias. As it has been totally something new to them, most of their works turned up being like what they should be as the very first work of sewing. After they finished sewing the purses, I would end up their work with putting a plastic snap button to it. Looking at the twisted and over-lapped bias, I would ask them if they would like to make a better one so that they don’t waste their chance to put on the snap buttons. None of them would accept my suggestion. They all asked me to put the buttons to their works at once. After I had finished with the buttons, they would admire their purses by holding them far away and close, putting them to their chests, and then admire them again by holding them far away and close. They way they treasured their works made me imagine that they would sleep with holding their works in the hand.--- This has help me totally understand what we are like in the eye of our Heavenly Father. We are all works in His Hand, though we are not perfect, in the blood of Jesus, our Heavenly Father admires His works by holding us far away and close and putting us to His Chest. And He generously grants us His Holy Spirit as proof of His children. He treasures us so much that He is with us day and night. He is Emmanuel... We are so blessed to get closer to our Heavenly Father’s Heart through our ministry.


I would like to thank you for walking on the path and experiencing God’s love with us through your prayers. Kellen and I are going to leave Wewak for POM the capital on Thursday, September 19th and stay with the Chinese Church for a week. In the coming few days, we will be busy packing, cleaning and saying goodbye to our friends in Wewak who have helped us settle down.


Please continue remember us in your prayer:

1. I have had an ulcer at the corner of my mouth for six weeks due to the difficulty in finding the proper ointment. And a 5mm lamp of warts has formed up. May God heal me.

2. The misplacement of Kellen’s shoulder bone is still worrisome. And carrying the luggage will increase the pain. May God Show His Mercy.

3. May God bless Mama Shirley and Sister Lily as they continue the ministry of Dorcas Fellowship while Kellen and I are away.

4. May God bless our week in POM with close fellowship in the Chinese Church.








