Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. There had been some unexpected problems holding us from catching our flights in each airport, but we finally managed to arrive in Wewak, PNG on the morning of the 5th. Having mercy upon us, God gave us 4-step-relay-drop-off team to help us with the luggage all the way without a gap from our place in Kaohsiung to the airport in TaoYien. And we were picked up by Rev. Wu in POM, PNG, and our landlord Barry in Wewak. Without their help, we would not have been able to manage with so much luggage that weighed about 130kg. Thanks to God for His overflowing love through so many people.


感謝大家忠心代禱。雖然在各個機場都發生了一些突發狀況,影響我們趕上飛機的時間,但是我們還是在五日早上抵達新幾內亞的威瓦克。神特別憐憫我們,派來了四個階段的接力送機團,從我們在高雄的住處,一直到桃園機場,無縫接軌地幫助我們搬運行李。在新幾內亞的莫斯比港有吳牧師來接機,在威瓦克有我們的房東Barry來接我們。如果不是他們的幫忙,我們真是沒辦法帶得動總共約130公斤的行李。 感謝神,透過這麼多人給我們滿滿的愛。

At first we felt awkward that nobody cared about social distance and only few people wear facial masks. Then we were told that most of the people surrounding us had had the symptoms of COVID-19 and it been coming and going. Well, what we have to do is to strengthen our immunity and handle ourselves to the good hands of God.


Having arrived for less than one week, we have received very warm welcome and kind help with transportation by the church, made new friends, preached to shop owners, and even asked by the market vendors when to restart the sewing class. It seems that we fit in quite well. But we need quite a long time to settle down and that allows us to spend longer time seeking guidance from God.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Due to the volcano eruptions, the rainy season came much earlier than as usual. It is not easy for us to wash and dry all the stale clothes that we have not worn for 2 and a half years. May God give us several days’ good weather without power-cut or water-off.

2. We have 3 DHL parcels on the way to Wewak. May God make them come safely.

3. Kellen and I have not been very efficient in sorting our belongings. Therefore, it has been a mess in our small apartment in Wewak since we arrived. Everything is everywhere. And our tools for making cabinets have not arrived yet. We find it difficult to sleep in such a mess. May God give us strength and wisdom to make the apartment habitable, and give us good sleep.

4. May God guide us with getting drivers’ license, opening bank accounts, and figuring out the tax.

5. My brother needs to have an operation on his right eye. And it seems he is having difficulties in deciding on what lens to implant. May God help him.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ
