Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas and I do need your mentioning about us in your prayers. We would like to commit our thanks to God that Douglas has sort out the electronic deficiency in the PIM headquarter. Finishing that task earlier that our expectation enables him to do some necessary fitment work with the downstairs apartment for we need to accommodate a few partners next week.



Thanks to God that we started our Level Two training of sewing and Bible story devotion yesterday. We have set up some restrictions: Only those who have the Level One certificates and have already started the sewing ministry in the church are allowed to come for the Level Two training. Therefore, we have only six participants this time. And that is the good size of the class for the advanced learning. The participants are learning how to make patterns for the basic tops and trousers. It is quite difficult for them as even those who are educated have not been trained to draw with a ruler.


However, we felt distracted that there were loud noises of those who were seeking to start a big fight. We could not concentrate as we saw people running and shouting around outside the PIM wire fences with one-meter-long bush knives, shotguns and pistols. Some of the houses were burned down as we saw big black smoke reaching the sky. Two of the participants were not to come back after lunch because their houses were to close to where the trouble makers were active.


Ambunti is right in the middle of the two villages that are involved in the big fight. The Ambunti market becomes the usual location in which they started the fight. And they even came over to show off their force at the airstrip today. Kevin, who owns a trading store next to the airstrip, was wounded on his chest by one of their slingshots. That will hinder the other trading stores from opening. Not only can the market not function properly, we also have nowhere to buy our supply here now.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God cease the fighting among villagers, so that life here can be back to normal.

2. May God bless us with continuous good reception of cellphone signal and network.

3. May God protect our participants who attend the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion on 23-28.

4. May God bless our partners in mission who are visiting PIM in the near future months with their preparation, transportation, and communication.

5. There are 50 teachers serving in PIM schools in the remote areas in PNG. May God grant them safe journey from their home back to work after the summer vacation.
PIM (太島宣教事工) 有五十位老師在新幾內亞偏鄉的PIM學校服務。求上帝保守他們結束暑假由家鄉返回工作崗位的旅途。

6. Joseph Ogmu who was a teacher in the PIM school in Ambunti was transferred to the position as the center manager of the PIM base in Wewak last year due to the frequent medical need of his two children. His wife has been quite ill recently. May God grant His mercy to Joseph’s family.

7. There are unknow sarcomas forming up in my gum. May God heal me.

8. Douglas and I are planning to go back to Taiwan in March mainly for him to visit my family and relatives and for me to get medical care. May God guide us with the preparations and the trip planning.

9. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊