Dear all,

Happy Chinese New Year. We are so blessed to celebrate New Year twice a year. May God crown you with His abundant grace.



Thank you for praying for us. The cross-cultural mission workshop on January 17th in Chung Li was so blessed that we could feel the Holy Spirit was hovering around and enlightening us to be involved in the mission.



Last Sunday was a Sunday of many hugs. I gave a sermon in a mini church in the mountains. That was also in a relocated village. Before Sunday service, the pastor took me to their original spot. It was no longer habitable because of the land slide in 2009, but their tribal stories were still so impressive to me. At Sunday service, all of the church members were so much concentrated that when I asked what I had just preached, they all feed backed with correct answers. After the service, everyone hugged one another and chatted for quite a while. The pastor told me that the church hadn’t hugged one another for a long time. And some of them hadn’t been seen smiling so happily. God’s Words are so inspiring that our souls can be so much refreshed when we come close to Him.


I would like to praise the Lord and thank you specially for keeping praying for my health. The right side of my body had been swelling for at least 2 months. This week I went to a bone setter. Well, after 20 minutes of bone resetting, my problem was gone!!! Now I feel like another person.

在此我要特別讚美神並且感謝您為我的健康代禱。我的右半邊身體腫脹已經超過兩個月了,這個星期我去找一個經絡整復師傅,經過20分鐘喬骨拉筋之後,我的問題就解決了!!! 現在我覺得神清氣爽多了。

Please keep participating in our ministry.

1. May God show us way to applying for long term visa in PNG.

2. May God heal Kellen’s pain on her neck and shoulders and my tightness on my chest.

3. Kellen and I are going to leave for PNG on February 11th. May God enable us to be wise in preparation, connection, and communication.

4. My Dad has not been feeling well recently and cannot take my mom to the rehabilitation course. May God show His mercy and grant them health and salvation.


一、 求神開路,指引我們申請新幾內亞長期簽證。

二、 願神醫治Kellen的肩頸痠痛以及我的胸悶。

三、 Kellen和我將於2月11日出發前往新幾內亞,求神給我們智慧做好預備、連結、以及溝通。

四、 家父近來因為身體不適,無法載送家母去上復健課程。求神大開憐憫,賞賜給兩老健康以及救恩。

Thank you for being our partners


