Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The annual report in the PIM board’s meeting went very well. Douglas’ report made me reach further understanding of the ministries he had been doing as well as the board members know what had been achieved and what new challenges were coming up. And I was blessedly formally accepted as a member of PIM at this meeting.



Douglas and I moved to a new location again last Saturday. It is a cozy cabin in the forest by Lake Tahoe. The first snow of the year is touching the ground at the moment. As it is a cabin, I have no problem recognizing the locations of the rooms. We are so blessed to be offered with the stay in this beautiful by Mike & Kay who are very close friends of Douglas and his past wife. This cabin was originally built in 1931 by Mike’s step grandpa on his mother’s side, and rebuilt with very fine material and a lot of ingenuity by Mike after he inherited it from his grandpa.

上週六, 道格拉斯和我又搬到了一個新的地方。這是太浩湖畔森林裡的一間舒適的小屋。在我寫這封信的同時,窗外正下起今年的第一場雪花。因為是一間小屋,所以很容易記得房間位置。我們非常蒙恩, 麥克和凱伊提供這個美麗的住宿地點,他們是道格拉斯和他先妻的非常親密的朋友。這間小屋最初於1931年由邁克母親的繼父建造,邁克從爺爺那裡繼承了它後,用非常精緻的建材重建,其中不乏諸多巧思。

Bev, the hostess of our last stay, was confirmed with COVID positive last Wednesday though Dan, her husband, was resulted negative, and Douglas and I had no symptom at all. After the board’s meeting in Grass Valley, we moved to the cabin at Lake Tahoe. We met up with Mike at the cabin on Saturday morning as Mike was going to instruct Douglas the operation of the utilities. Arriving at the cabin, we saw Mike stunned at the door by a huge mess in the house. The fridge shelves were damaged. The pantry door was opened. The floor was covered with broken jars and bottles. There was dried out poo and sauce on the floor. It was about six weeks ago that Mike and Kay last used this cabin, and they hadn’t had time to come and check it. Obviously, the house had been intruded by a bear breaking into the house through a forgotten open window at the bedroom. The Sheriff came and confirmed this assumption.

我們上個住處的女主人蓓芙琳上週三確診COVID陽性,儘管她的丈夫丹尼爾的測試結果是陰性的,而道格拉斯和我根本沒有任何癥狀。在草谷的董事會會議之後,我們搬到了太浩湖的小屋。星期六早上在小屋裡與邁克碰面,因為邁克要指導道格拉斯屋子水電的運作。抵達小屋時,看到邁克驚呆在門口,房子裡一片混亂:冰箱架子破損、食物儲藏櫃的門被打開了、地板上一大堆破碎的罐子和瓶子、地板上有乾涸的糞便和醬汁。,邁克和凱伊最後一次使用這個小屋是大約在六個星期前,之後他們一直沒有時間來巡視它。顯然,有熊闖入了房子,應該是從臥室裡一扇忘記關好的窗戶闖進來的。 警長來的時候證實了這個假設。

Being told by Mike, Kay arrived half an hour later. It must be very awful for them thinking of their privacy being invaded. They both thought that they should hire a cleaning firm to deal with the mess and we should go back with them and stay in their house in Reno. Douglas and I suggested that four of us clean it up together as we thought doing this would be good for them to prevent post-trauma. The four of us were all mechanical minded, and we soon got to know what we were doing. It took us four hours and we made it. After washing the bed sheets and quilt in the machine, and got them dried in the dryer. Kay was happy for us to stay in the cabin. And both of them felt much better. The fridge had been badly polluted and considered to be thrown away. Mike and Douglas pulled it out, washed it with power jet, put back the damaged bars and shelves, and pushed it back to its location. It worked fine. Kay said that they should keep it for remembering a good lesson they had learned.

邁克當下打電話給凱伊,她在半個小時後到達。對於他們來說,想到自己的隱私被侵犯,一定非常不好受。他們倆人都認為他們最好聘請一家清潔公司來處理髒亂,我們應該跟他們一起回去住在他們在里諾的房子。道格拉斯和我建議我們四個人一起動手清理,因為我們認為這樣做有益於他們避免心理上的陰影。我們四個理工腦很快進入狀況,花了四個小時就把它完成了。把床單和被子放在洗衣機裡清洗乾淨,再將它們放在烘乾機中烘乾之後,凱伊終於放心讓我們住在小屋裡,而且他們倆都感覺好多了。 冰箱被弄得髒亂不堪,原本考慮要扔掉的。 麥克和道格拉斯將它拉出去,用動力噴射槍清洗,將損壞的護欄和所有層板放回原處。它還是可以正常運作。凱伊說,他們應該保留這個冰箱以記取教訓。

It will be an unforgettable memory to me. And I have learned a lot from it, too. We all strife for making our life successful: study hard, work hard, get as much information as possible to maximize our profit, play safe and avoid troubles… But without knowing it, we might have left room for worldly trends to get into our mind and pollute our spirit life. And we tend not to face it as it makes us guilty of coming to God with it. And what can be worse is that we even keep away from godly people who can call on to God with us and clean the mess with us. The way the Bible provides to fleeing evil desires is not to strife alone, but to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Let’s pray to God. May God’s Spirit reveal to us our “forgotten window” and the “intruding bear”. And let’s have frequent fellowship with family of God.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give guidance to Meni Beach Baptist Church Wewak PNG in developing the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital. (The two pastors’ wives are figuring out how to get the fabrics that are suitable, affordable, and available.)

2. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

3. Douglas injured his ankle at work, and the frequent driving has contributed even more of the swollen and sore. May God heal him.
道格拉斯在工作中腳踝受傷,頻繁的駕駛導致腫脹和疼痛加劇。 願上帝治癒他。

4. I am supposed to make a major alternation with my website due to the switch of my identity. May God grant me His Divine Guidance.

5. May God make me a blessing to people I encounter when I am in the US, and make what I say and how I live deliver His message.

6. May God give us wisdom in planning our trip to visit relatives and friends in the USA.

7. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊