Dear all,

It’s nice that we have Thanks giving and Christmas to remind us to review God’s amazing work all through the year. I believe that you have a lot to tell.



Kellen and I have something to share with you too. We have sold PNG coffee beans since the end of March. The PNG Coffee Campaign is for the fun raising of buying a car in PNG. That is one of the initial needs of the gospel center we are going to set up. As we would like to pray more and seek for God’s guidance more than rush God to give us a car, these few months we haven’t talked about PNG Coffee in our updates.


Last Wednesday morning Kellen and I were talking about the very little sale of our PNG coffee over the week. We were a little concerned about the stock of more than 200 packets of coffee beans. And we asked God what He would like to do with it. …. Few hours later, we received so many orders that used up all of our stock. And we have to hold off some of the orders so that we have enough coffee beans to sell in the church on Sunday. Wow!! God is so clear about our every thinking and He cares about everything we care about. We can be sure we are safe in His Hands.


Last Sunday, I was giving sermons in my home church that I started attending 30 years ago. It was the church I stayed for 19 years. Though it didn’t become my sending church, I have received very warm support from a few church members. This time was a very touching moment with so many hugs and sweet memories. Seeing so many of them that I haven’t met for 11 years, my heart and my soul was so full of joy and thanks giving. This is a church that sticks with God’s words. And what I was trained in this church over 19 years has made me stick strongly with God’s calling in many difficult circumcises.


The gathering with my home church shows me how much a missionary needs hugs, cares and continuous supports form God’s family, especially from those who know him/her for many years. In the past, I somehow try not to think too much about this issue. Perhaps it’s because I was afraid of rejection. But now, God inspires me to reach out more and make my Christian friends know more about me and about missionaries.


Please keep us in mind and in your prayers:

1. May God guide me in my message delivery on the coming Sunday morning in a church in ShiZi Xiang, Ping Tong, and Sunday evening in Ping Tong Mission Fellowship.

2. May God give me wisdom to be able to learn well in the intensive sewing class this month.

3. May God heal Kellen’s pain on her shoulder and her neck for that she has so much paper work to do that takes very long hours to work at the desk.

4. May God bless our preparation for the cross-cultural mission camp that is going to take place on January 12th in Kaohsiung for the 20th anniversary of Kaohsiung Mission Fellowship.


1. 接下來的主日早上,Sandy在屏東縣獅子鄉的教會講道,晚上在屏東宣教團契分享信息。求神引導。

2. 這個月Sandy有很密集的裁縫課。求神給我智慧好好學習。

3. Kellen必須處理很多行政工作,長時間久坐,求神醫治她的肩膀及肩頸痠痛。

4. 一月12日適逢高雄宣教團契成立十周年。我們在高雄舉辦跨文化宣教體驗營。求神保守一切的預備工作。(活動網址)


Thank you for being our partners


All for Him

