Dear all,

How are you doing? It’s the season people in Taiwan are putting away our summer clothes and start wearing our autumn jackets. And this week I have been suffering from a bad cold.



Thank you for your praying. My dad is much more cheerful and is able to digest the jokes I tell him.


Last Saturday Kellen and I were challenged by someone to “prove” our ministry is valuable through providing “persuasive” data. Well, We couldn’t give him a satisfying data but the parable of mustard seeds came up to my mind and that calmed me down and made me able to leave what people say to God.


The next day, the retired pastor from my mother church gave a sermon in my sending church. And the sermon happened to be based on the parable of mustard seeds which is written in the Book of Matthew 13:31-32.

Topic: Let not your hearts be troubled, and set your eyes upon Jesus

A. The reasons our hearts can be troubled

i. Criticisms from others (Luke 13:13-17)

ii. Inferiority and inadequacy (Mat 13:32a)

B. The means not to let our let our hearts troubles and to turn our eyes upon Jesus

i. Starting with something little (Mat 13:32a)

ii. Potentials developments (Mat 13:32b)

C. The outcomes of turning our eyes upon Jesus

i. Excellent performance (Mat 13:32c)

ii. Achievements of God’s wills (Mat 13:32c)



講題:勿懷憂喪志 當全心仰望

A. 會懷憂喪志沒全心仰望的原因

i. 曾遭受 外界批評 (Luke 13:13-17)

ii. 或自覺 渺小卑微 (Mat 13:32a)

B. 不懷憂喪志要全心仰望的方法

i. 需不怕 開始微小 (Mat 13:32a)

ii. 當發揮 生命潛能 (Mat 13:32b)

C. 不懷憂喪志能全心仰望的結果

i. 必會有 傑出表現 (Mat 13:32c)

ii. 能成就 上帝旨意 (Mat 13:32c)

The value of our ministry is decided by our willingness to obey God’s calling and to fulfill His wills.


In the past half months, I attended 60 anniversaries of 2 churches. Some of their church members have served continuously in the same church for more than fifty years. At their age of 80s and 90s, they are still glaring for Jesus with their life stories. No “persuasive” data can describe the value of their ministries.


These days I have also been encouraged by some sisters in the Lord who offered their very delicate handmade crafts for my fund raising. It’s not only about the financial aid but also participation in all aspects.


Kellen and I are planning to go to PNG again in February 2020. And we will like to invite you all to participate through your prayers:


1. May God bless our work permit application and the registration of PNGMM (PNG Mission Mobilization).

2. May God guide us in doing the presentation in the members’ conference of TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization) on Nov. 16th.

3. May God give me wisdom in conducting the Sunday school in a church in Tau-Yuen on Nov. 17th.

4. May God’s power work in my sharing in a campus in Taipei on Nov. 18th.

5. May God heal and make me get rid of my bad cold.

1. 願神保守我們工作許可的申請、新幾內亞華人動員宣教協會的立案。

2. 1116日,我們會在台灣華人動員宣教協會的會員大會發表簡報,求神引導。

3. 1117日,Sandy在桃園的一所教會主理主日學,求神賞賜智慧。

4. 1118日,Sandy在北部一所大學的團契分享,求神親自作工。

5. 求神醫治Sandy的重感冒。

Thank you for walking me along the path.


All for Him

