Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. All the preparation work for the two workshops that are going to take place in January is going well so far.



I would like to invite all of you who are in Taiwan to join us and participate in the Mission partners’ workshop in Taichung on January 23rd. Let’s start the year with a mission mind. You are welcome to write to me for further information. krystalocto@gmail.com



I bet you had a good time on Christmas. What do you have in your mind when you celebrate Christmas? This year has been so special. On Christmas, what was in my mind was “separation”. Because of the pandemic, the atmosphere of separation has become so strong worldwide. Because of my parents’ illnesses, as I am preparing for leaving for PNG, the atmosphere of separation at times scratches my heart. Because of the uncertainty of the flight to PNG, the separation from my mission field requires great patience to endure. However, the atmosphere of separation on Christmas drew me nearer to God’s Heart and reminded me of the separation of Holy Father from Holy Son on the very first Christmas, God from Adam on the day the forbidden fruit was eaten, Jesus from Mary when He was crucified on the cross…. It’s not that I become very sentimental. Well, a little bit. After all, in Jesus Christ, all the separations are meaningful and hopeful because He has paid for the price. “Emmanuel” is the most wonderful present in the world. Praise the Lord.

我想您聖誕節過得愉快吧?在聖誕節您心中有什麼感想呢?今年聖誕節讓我想到「離別」。疫情讓全世界充滿離別的氣氛。由於我的父母的病情,在我為明年初到新幾內亞做預備時,離別的氣氛也會抓傷我的心。由於國際航班的狀態一直很不明確,遠離宣教禾場的我歸心似箭卻也急不得。然而,離別的氣氛在聖誕節卻使我更貼近上帝的胸懷、提醒我有關在第一個聖誕節聖父與聖子的離別;在亞當吃了禁果那天上帝與人的離別;在十字架上耶穌與馬利亞的離別….這不代表我變得很“山東饅頭”(sentimental, 多愁善感的意思)…好啦,是有一點。畢竟,在耶穌基督裡,所有的離別都變得很有意義也很有盼望,因為耶穌已經為我們付了贖價。「以馬內利」是世界上最棒的禮物。讚美主!

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We are planning to go to PNG in the end of February 2021. May God guide us and make our road to PNG.


2. We need more churches, praying groups and individuals to be our long-term partners, participating in prayers and financial supports. May God provide for us.


3. On January 9th, Kellen and I are going to deliver the message on our ministry through the Zoom to a Chinese church in the USA. May God be in charge.

一月9Sandy Kellen將透過線上會議室對美國的一所華人教會傳遞事工異象。求神掌權運行。

4. TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization) is going to run a mission partners’ workshop in TaiChung on January, 23rd. May God bless our preparation.


5. I am going to conduct a week-end Bible story workshop in Fong-Shan on January 9th, 10th , 16th and 17th. May God grant me the strength needed.

一月9, 10, 16, 17日下午我將要在鳳山主領周末聖經故事研習工作坊。求神賞賜所需力量。

All for Him



In Christ