Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We are facing some challenges in manpower, but by the grace of the Lord, we manage to keep going with the ministry of making baptism robes. Mission, hindrances, plus God’s interference make our journey towards heaven, and our faith grows on the way. I am touched by the scene of Michelle, one of our volunteers, kneeling in front of the sewing machine and asking for God’s strength before starting the task for the day. “To turn” means to look upon the Lord in everything.



Attending the 5-day-long on-line international conference of CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) last week, we were cheered up by many testimonies of other missionaries. And we learned a lot by a lecture talking about “mission inflation”. What has come upon to your mind when you hear this term? Well, the lecture was quite striking. Mission inflation includes 15 issues that we all have to humble down and face with, so that all the ministries can be directed to God’s will. We are blessed to have professional partners on the way of cross-cultural mission.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We are planning to go back to PNG in the end of December only if God’s Will. May God guide us in preparation and communication.

2. 9.3 percent of the PNG population have received 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. The COVID-19 epidemic in PNG is real even in the town where our ministry is in. And the consumption of medical oxygen in the country has risen. May God bless PNG and enable the people to be willing to take the wise epidemic prevention measures.

3. May God bless the annual members’ assembly of TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization Association) that is going to take place on November 20th in Guanxi, Xinju.

4. At the moment, I conduct the one-to-one reaching out course D2B” 6 times a week. And more candidates are in the queue. May God’s Spirit work among us.

5. May God bless our volunteers and give them the patience, strength and wisdom needed.

All for Him



In Christ
