Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Even though we have to work from home, many tasks are done and days are well spent. My parents are vegetarians and my father is a patient of renal failure. I have developed some recipes that allow him to properly intake necessary proteins. It seems my parents’ life is gradually getting on track. Therefore I am going to join 3 on-line sewing classes this month.



Deaconess Li who is one of the committee members of MMM (Malaysia Mission Mobilization Association) that is a branch of CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) passed away this week. I got to know her when I went for a training in Malaysia in 2019 January. And I was extremely impressed by her passion for the Lord. She and her husband set up a Chinese church that was doing very well. But they would not fence their ministry within Chinese people though it meant that they would have to pay a great cost. All participants were well taken care by her through the entire training course. We would never thought that our “Good-bye” now turned into “See you in heaven”. All of us will all miss her a lot. The death of a righteous person like her would not seals her living testimony for the Lord.


Let’s treasure the days that we live and invest them to the eternity.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. Kellen’s lumbar spine NMR was taken last week. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


2. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.


3. All day care centers for seniors have to shut down because of the pandemic. My old Pa-Pa is now under great pressure taking care of my mom. May God look after my parents.


4. My mom is supposed to have her cervical spine NMR taken on July 9th. May God give the doctor wisdom to deal with problem of my mom’s cervical spine.


5. The doctor found that my inflammation is still bad, but the result showed there was no lesion left. May God be heal my inflammation.


6. May God guide us in all the work of website relocation.


All for Him



In Christ
