Dear all,

How are you doing? Tomorrow I will be hopping on the flight for PNG. At the moment, everything is everywhere as I am making the clothes Kellen and I will need in PNG and doing the packing at the same time. But I would still like to write this letter to let you know how grateful I am.



At the past Sunday service, Sunday school of my church gave me the money they earned from selling five-color-bean bracelets, supporting my ministry. I was so touched by the effort they had put in for making those bracelets, practicing how to preach with five-color beans, and learning the lesson of fund raising. Thanks to the Lord for what these little missionaries had done. God through them gave me the courage I would need for starting a brand new ministry.


A missionary needs strong support from his/her sending church and sending base. These few months, God has kept reminding me the importance of strong bind with both of them and making my supporters aware of challenges of missionaries. Thank you for your participation and encouragements. I am so honored and blessed to be called to serve the Lord in the mission field.


All for Him


