Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Our car has arrived in Wewak according to the tracking system. And we were told today that we would be able to fetch the car from the wharf tomorrow. And yesterday, I just realized a communicational misunderstanding that had made my parcel that contains my wedding dress and wedding shoes on hold in POM the capital for 2 weeks. Now it has been released an on the way to Wewak.



Douglas and I went to a supermarket and had a look at the prices of different types of cakes. That was approximately 3 times of the prices of the cakes in Taiwan. After I had expressed our need of the cakes to my missionary neighbor, we were offered with some help by a group of ladies that I don’t even know and they are able to bake six trays of cakes for our wedding. This will greatly reduce the amount of the cakes that we need to order from the supermarket. I was just thought that I could help with the wedding dresses for the future weddings in the church 2 weeks ago. Now we have received help from others even before we actually start helping others. How overwhelming God’s grace is!


As I have spent some time swimming in the sea at our back yard, I gradually make some friends who are the kids in our neighbors. They would like to take me with their canoe to the farther part of the sea where the scenery under the water is supposed to be more beautiful. Taking some snacks, I went with them yesterday. But they realized that their canoe was too small form me, so they made me wear a tube, hold on to their canoe, and be pushed to the deeper area. Mingling with them, I had a very good time and was told some very good culture lessons. They are good kids. But their value system has been twisted. For example, for hoping me to give them some money, they lied to me and said that Douglas had talked to them about me the day before and gave them some money. Anyway, they are my “good teachers” as the first ting a missionary should do is not to help, but to learn. I will continue being their friends and pray for God’s guidance in their life.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. We are still hearing about some fights caused by the result of the election. May God bless PNG and grant peace and wisdom.

2. Due to the shortage of fuel, commercial transportation has been seriously cut down. That has caused significant inflationary spike in town. And it would quite possibly develop more social security issue if it lasts too long. May God be in charge.

3. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

4. Kellen and I are developing the teaching scheme of the Level Two sewing course. May God grant us His Divine Wisdom.

5. May God be in charge of the process of our fetching the car from the wharf and Sandy’s parcel from DHL.

6. May God guide Douglas and me in preparation for the wedding that is on August 13th and provide everything needed at about time.

7. May God use Douglas and Sandy’s wedding to have positive influence to the youth in Wewak as I am trying to make my former students to come to the wedding with their children.

8. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png