Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Kellen and I have finished all of the reports. The inflammation in Kellen’s nose dried out itself. And the nose pad Kellen installed on her eye glasses work very well. Praise the Lord for He listens to and answers our prayers.


感謝大家忠心代禱。我們已經做好所有的報告了。Kellen 鼻子裡發炎的痘子自己乾掉了。而且Kellen眼鏡新裝上的鼻墊有正確裝好,沒有造成任何不適。感謝神垂聽我們的禱告。

Wewak town was affected last Thursday by fights between settlers of two villages. The town was shut down for three days. Then, it came 2 days of national holidays on that we couldn’t do our shopping. We had almost eaten up all our food in the house. And we appreciate very much that life is back to normal and we are able to buy some food today. In Taiwan I have the habit of finishing food in the fridge before buying some more. We had been wrong that we literally finished our food in the fridge before we went to Ambunti, ignoring we were in a different context. And when we came back from Ambunti, we failed to do more food shopping for storage due to concentrating on work. It was good that our neighbor Glenda who is a missionary coming to PNG before I was even born gave us some frozen pizza she had made. May God forgive our being ignorant and make us more aware of preparing for something out of expectations.


Several things happened recently make me want to slow down: First, it was what caused the lockdown of the town. Glenda told us that it never happened before. Shouldn’t we lift our eyes from our work and be more aware of what is happening in this city? Then, it’s the fact that our car has not come to us yet. The process of transfer has got stuck for quite a while. We were planning to do some survey among the churches in Wewak. Without the car, we can go nowhere. What is God trying to make us think of? After that, I was found with high blood pressure last week. No wonder I have been feeling dizzy. It is time to have a retreat. But am I able to slow down? As Kellen and I are single. We literally work day and night and without vacations. Nobody asks us to be like this. But we can easily draw ourselves into this working situation because we don’t have a family. It might be time for us to have a change. And we need to live a healthier life before it is too late. As our apartment is built on top of the reef beside the see, we have a back-yard ocean swimming poor that we never get soaked in. Rarely do we admire the beautiful sunset, either. What have we been doing? We both went to the ocean at the back door yesterday afternoon. And we found out how wrong we had been not to spend some time each week having fun that is free of charge. Thank God for this break of change that has been made up with something bad.

最近有發生一些事,讓我想要慢下腳步:首先是造成封城警戒的因素,葛蘭達說這件事威瓦克從未發生過。我們是否應該從埋首工作的狀態中轉為放眼四周,看看這個城市在發生什麼事呢?再來是,我們的車子過戶程序卡關好些時候了!原本按照計畫,我們要到威瓦克的教會做一些調查的,現在沒車哪裡都去不了。神要提醒我們什麼事呢? 接下來,幾天前我發現自己有高血壓,難怪最近一直頭暈。該是讓自己休息一下了,但是我慢得下來嗎?我和Kellen都是單身,簡直就是日夜工作,沒有假期。沒有人這樣要求我們,但是我們沒有家庭的人,很容易就會進入這樣的工作狀態。我們或許應該改變一下,趁還來得及,讓自己過健康一點的生活。我們住的房子就在海邊的礁岩上,後院就是個天然海水浴場,我們卻從來沒去泡一泡水,也很少好好欣賞漂亮的夕陽,我們在做什麼?昨天我們真的到後院的海水裡泡一泡,就發現我們來那麼久了,都沒有每週花一點時間到這個免費的海水浴場放鬆一下,真是錯了!感謝神允許一些不好的事情發生的同時,也造就一個改變的空間。

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

2. May God heal my high blood pressure, and make me slow down.

3. The car we have bought was owned by a Taiwanese officer. And the document of transfer has been held at the Foreign Affairs Office. May God be in charge.

4. Kellen is ordering some tools from Taiwan. May God give her wisdom to find she really needs, and make her do the shopping efficiently.

5. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

6. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ



IG: chao.sandy.png