Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas’ lower leg and ankle on the right are less swollen now. We are still staying with Eric and Penny in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Time for us leave Michigan is approaching, but we still have a lot of work to do here.



Last Sunday, we went to the church in which Douglas and his first wife, Leah, had their wedding reception. That was also the church Leah had attended. The pastor interviewed Douglas and mingled three of Doulas’ life stories with his sermon based on the Bible story of Naomi and Ruth, hymns, and the Lord’s supper. (Link to watch the service)The service finished with the song “All my Ways are Known to You”. What a big blessing to us who belong to God, isn’t it? The name “Naomi” means sweet. Her life was once filled with sorrow that she would rather be called “Rama” that meant bitterness. There is sweetness in some of our life stories while bitterness in some others. As long as our stories are woven within God’s plan, we can be released and He glorified.

上周日,我們去了道格拉斯和他的第一任妻子利亞舉行婚宴的教堂。那也是利亞參加的教會。 牧師採訪了道格拉斯,並將道拉斯的三個生平故事,穿插他基於聖經中拿俄米和路得故事的講道及詩歌,和聖餐結合在一起。(按此可觀看) 崇拜以歌曲我所有的道路都為你所知結束。對於屬於上帝的我們來說,這是一個多麼大的祝福,不是嗎? 拿俄米這個名字的意思是甜蜜。她的生活曾經充滿了悲傷,以致她寧願被稱為瑪拉,苦澀的意思。我們的一些生活故事有著甜蜜,另一些有苦澀。只要我們的故事編織在上帝的計劃之內,我們就可以得釋放,上帝可以得榮耀。

After the service had finished, l was asked by a lady, “As Naomi’s life in Moab was so bitter. Why do you think would Ruth like to go back to Naomi’s hometown with her instead of leaving her?” Ruth even said, “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me.” This reminded me that it was like us missionaries in the mission fields. Many of us are not successful. But it is God’s work that people get to know God through our witnessing Him.

聚會結束後,一位女士問我:「當拿俄米在摩押的生活是如此苦澀時,你認為為什麼路得願意和她一起回到拿俄米的家鄉,而不是離開她?」 路得甚至說:「不要催我回去不跟隨你。你往哪裡去,我也往那裡去;你在哪裡住宿,我也在那裡住宿;你的國就是我的國,你的神就是我的神。你在哪裡死,我也在那裡死,也葬在那裡。除非死能使你我相離!不然,願耶和華重重地降罰與我。」她的問題讓我想起,這就像我們宣教士在宣教禾場。我們當中很多人並不成功。但人們通過我們的見證來認識上帝,這是上帝的工作。

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give guidance to Meni Beach Baptist Church Wewak PNG in developing the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital. (The two pastors’ wives are figuring out how to get the fabrics that are suitable, affordable, and available.)

2. There are 50 teachers serving in PIM schools in the remote areas in PNG. May God grant them safe journey to their home villages for annual school break and Christmas holidays, and make them give good testimonies for Christ to their families and relatives.
PIM (太島宣教事工) 有五十位老師在新幾內亞偏鄉的PIM學校服務。求神保守他們返鄉度年假及聖誕節旅途平安,並使他們在家人親戚中為基督做好見證。

3. Due to changes of international situation caused by COVID, PIM has problems issuing text books on Christian education for schools in PNG. May God grant Devine wisdom in reconsidering in which country to issue these books that are demanded in larger and larger amounts every year, and bless our relationship with the printers and the distributers.

4. PIM is working with The Education Department of PNG on a new project of providing high schools in PNG with 100,000 copies of books for Christian religious education. May God bless the funding, printing and distributing.

5. Douglas and I will be on our way back to PNG after Christmas. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

6. Douglas and I are going to go back to Reno on the 30th of November. Eric and Penny is going to drive 2 and a half hours to take us to the airport in Chicago. May God continue healing Douglas' injured lower leg and ankle and bless us all with safe journeys.
道格拉斯和我將在11月30日(台灣時間12月1日) 回到里諾。埃裡克和佩妮要開車2個半小時帶我們去芝加哥的機場。願上帝繼續治癒道格拉斯受傷的小腿和腳踝,並保守我們大家路程平安。

7. May God bless our time visiting relatives and friends in Michigan.

8. I am supposed to make a major alternation with my website due to the switch of my identity. May God grant me His Divine Guidance.

9. May God make me a blessing to people I encounter when I am in the US, and make what I say and how I live deliver His message.

10. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (新NEW)