Dear all,

Peace be with you. May your faith through trials be purified by God.



Last week I received a prayer card made for me by a lady who had been recovering from her illness. What she did for me was so encouraging that I give thanks to God that He has given me all of you as partners who have one mind with me in ministries.


Thank you for your interceding. I have been gradually catching up my working schedule. Last week I finished making all the bags. This week I shall put my effort in making blouses that I have owed. And next week, I am supposed to make clothes that Kellen and I shall need in PNG. My skin is so sensitive that clothes available in PNG course me freckles. In PNG, as missionaries, we had better wear traditional PNG blouses that cover our knees and will not show our shapes.


The best school for making disciples

Last week it was exciting to hear from our PNG friend that there will be a conference and crusade held in Yamuk where Kellen and used to serve in PNG in 2011-2017. The news from the tribal villages makes me feel at home. Let me talk to you more about something in the tribal villages. Yamuk and Yagiap that is 2 hours walking distance further are both tribal villages in PNG. And they have also been good schools where God made us disciples of Jesus.



How to say thank you

We can be misguided by our very limited recognition in what we think things should be like. For example, we might think saying “thank you” is something that everyone should be cultivate to do in life. Well, in the language of Yamuk and Yagiap there is not a specific wording for “thank you”. For expressing gratitude to someone, we would compliment him by saying “Good man/woman, you.”



How can one be a good person

In Yamuk and Yagiap, one can easily gain compliments. When people see me cooking, washing dishes, even going to the pond for a good soak, they would say to me, “Atma takwa ngin” which means “good woman, you.” And of course I would say the same words to those whom I see walking towards the jungle with their bush knives, carrying water, going to the market…. General speaking, a good man/woman means someone who works hard or is kind to others.

Let me show off: Atma takwa ngin=good woman you; Atma tu mn=good man you. Ha-ha!



Missionaries' "Lydia" in the jungle

Who I complimented the most and gave me the most compliment was Titus’ wife, Christina. In Yamuk, Titus’ family took the responsibility of taking care of missionaries. They often came to our house in and made sure we had sufficient sago, water and fire wood. And they gave us fish nearly every week. In the midnight, when they heard something wrong from our house, they would immediately came with their torches, checking through around our house. Titus and Christina were our “Lydia” in Yamuk. And Lawrence’s family and his sisters in Yagiap. In the jungle, Christina was the first one to show me friendship: while I was in the market, wondering what was inside a sago nugget, Christina took a sago worm out of her sago nugget with her fingers and pushed the worm into my mouth. What she did meant I had become a true friend of her.



In Yamuk, when having the desire for fish, women would have to carry their produces and walk a 4-hour-long round trip to the market to trade for fish. And in Yagiap 8-hour-long. Duties for men are hunting, battling, house building, land cultivating, cutting down sago trunks and making decisions for communities. And women have to do all the other works. Therefore, women would carry heavy goods to the market and make their business there. Men go to the market too. But they would carry nothing and they don’t sit down to make business. What men would do in the market is just talk to the other men. For someone like me from a society where feminism is a big issue, women here are ill-treated. They work day and night, feeding the entire family, doing all the chores and looking after their children. Men go hunting in the midnight that I don’t see, and I can never go so far to see they cultivate the land. Therefore, I often say “Good woman, you.” But I rarely say “Good man, you.” Especially, Christian often gave me my favorite banana-leaf-wrapped fish and barbecued sago worms. They are the two best dishes in the world. So I shall never stop saying “Good woman, you.” to her.



A truly wise person

One day, as Christina and I were talking about going to the market. I felt very sorry for women and said, “Women have to carry such a heavy load to the market but men go with nothing. And men don’t help with the business. They just stand there and talk to the other men....”

As I was on and on, Christina said, “Yeah. I always tell Titus to leave the business to me and go and do the talking with all the other men there.”

I can never forget the big smile on her face while she said this. She was totally soaking herself in her happiness and her love to her husband. To her, her husband is so adorable that all her hard work is worthwhile as long as all the other men are willing to listen to what her husband would like to say. ---This was really something out of my mind!!!



Her smile of happiness reminded me of the ideal woman in Proverb 31, especially verse 23 “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.” ---What I saw and heard was what the Bible verse means!!! --- I had had difficulties in figuring out what Proverb 31 means and thought that was something impossible. God through Christina’s happiness made me comprehend that a wise person is to establish others’ success as well as self-achievement. This was how God taught me the Bible in the swampy jungle.


Culture observation and cross-cultural communication are very big issues for missionaries. God locates us in the mission fields not for us to change their cultures but to find out God’s love and to deliver God’s Words in their very cultures. May the lesson God allowed me to learn from Christina make you find out how much I need your prayers. Please pray for me that God make me always humble myself to learn in the mission field and grateful for everyone and everything.


All for Him



