Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Kellen has found out what to do with the updated Google Site, and decided how we should relocate our materials.



I am trying to follow Kellen’s instruction and relocate my updates. One of the missionaries that I know has asked me to run an online course showing other missionaries how to set up a website like this. Why me? Well, a person like me who is a computer idiot seems to be able communicate better with those who are phobic about using a computer.


Thanks to the Lord that my parents have both got through the uncomfortable period coursed by the vaccine injections. My dad was feeling very weak and had to stay in bed for few days. They both tried not to burden me too much, but they did need help. Over the years, I have tried to take care of them as much as I can but not to make them expect that I would always be there. This is the common struggle that most missionaries have to face. We all need the faith and Divine Wisdom from God not to be tangled by self-accusation.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


2. I am still suffering from periodontal disease and hope it can be cured before I take off for PNG. May God’s healings dwell upon me.


3. All day care centers for seniors have to shut down because of the pandemic. My old Pa-Pa is now under great pressure taking care of my mom. May God look after my parents.


4. May God give the doctor wisdom to deal with problem of my mom’s cervical spine.


5. The doctor found that my cervix inflammation is still bad, but the result showed there was no lesion left. May God be heal my inflammation.


6. May God guide us in all the work of website relocation.


All for Him



In Christ
