Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God’s Presence and His Words give us strength day by day.



The workers have raised the backdoor threshold. And hopefully the drain water would not get into my house during heavy rain anymore.


It has been a very busy week again. Kellen has been struggling with the Google Site. My mom seemed to have some symptoms of MI on Monday morning. And I took her to the hospital, concerning about her previous stroke. We thank God that the doctor was extra-ordinarily patient and he did the necessary exams twice with a 3-hour-long gap. The results didn’t show any evidences of MI. I am going to take my mom to the clinic for some further check up on her cervical spine later this week.


Taiwan has been under COVID-19 level 3 alert for almost a month. I am proud of the self-control of the residents in Taiwan. People have tried hard not to bring unnecessary burden to the hospitals. The emergency department I went to seemed to deal with everything in order. People were quiet and the social distances were well kept except necessary medical treatments.


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It is the responsibility of everyone to strive for the peace in the society, not to mention that we are supposed to be the “salt and light”. During the pandemic, I am blessed to be in some online groups in that all members care about what’s going on, encourage one another and share the bright sides of the facts we see. Let’s be blessings to one another and look forward to the bright future.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God show His mercy and cure the pain in kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.


2. May God cure my periodontal disease.


3. All day care centers for seniors have to shut down because of the pandemic. My old Pa-Pa is now under great pressure taking care of my mom. May God look after my parents.


4. My mom is feeling extremely painful in her shoulder and her neck. May God give the doctor wisdom to deal with the problem of my mom’s cervical spine.


5. This update has been presented to you through “Google Site”. We are supposed to move everything in the old platform of “Google Site” to the updated version of it before Google shut down the old one. May God guide us to overcome some technical difficulties.


All for Him



In Christ