Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. The transfer of our car is now done, and it will be soon on the way by ship to Wewak.



This is the time that the sea level is getting higher. For making me swim safer in the backyard, Kellen bought a roll of rope and made me swim with the rope tied to my waist as the other end of the rope tied to a coconut tree. Thus, I can float better as the water is deeper. For not catching a cold, I wrap up well and swim when the sun is hot and the sea water is warm. Hopefully this will help my blood pressure calm down.


It was very sentimental on the past Sunday. It was Pastor Francis’s last Sunday in Meni Beach Baptist Church. He and family are moving to New Zealand. Thinking of so much work they have done for the Lord in Wewak and so much love they have given to Kellen and me, in accepting us to the church in 2019 and then helping us settle down this year, we really feel sorry about their leaving. His last sermon here was to encourage us to stand firm in the truth of God. As God’s plan for them is to move on, we trust that God will once again use them to bless people there with the Word of God.


We were to go to an island and visit our friend Christa’s family today, and were very excited about it. But yesterday Christa couldn’t buy any patrol in town. No patrol, no boat; no boat, no visit to the island. Thus, yesterday morning we had a meeting and decided that we had to cancel the trip for today. What a disappointment to us and Christa’s family and relatives on the island! They had been wanting to arrange this trip for very long. The level of the tide is the best for them to dive and let us bring a lot of seafood back. We were very sorry about the cancelation but thought God would make a better trip for us next time. And you know what......It rained very heavily this morning. And even many vendors could not come to the market. It was the first time after many weeks that it rained heavily during the day. I don’t think we would have enjoyed the heavy rain while having a ride on the boat sailing in the rough sea. God had His kind and good purpose to make the trip cancelled yesterday. And we should always cast our trust in Him no matter what.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God bless Pastor Fancis and his family a safe journey and help them get through all the new challenges they are going to encounter in New Zealand .

2. May God enable the government to efficiently arrange proper settlement for those who lost their home in the fight in Wewak .

3. May God protect our fruit of work in Ambunti and inspire the students to start Dorcas Fellowship in their churches.

4. May God heal my high blood pressure, and make me slow down.

5. May God be in charge of the shipment of our car and bring it to us at the right time.

6. Kellen is ordering some tools from Taiwan. May God give her wisdom to find she really needs, and make her do the shopping efficiently.

7. May God give us wisdom and insight while working with churches and other organizations.

8. May God take care of our old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

9. I am supposed to prepare and record a short talk for the CMMI prayer meeting this week. May God grant me the wisdom needed.

All for Him



In Christ



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