Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We were blessed with a safe journey from Reno to Seattle, and then Seattle to Vancouver. The roads were so icy that we saw quite a few cars and trucks slip to the side and get stuck into the snow. It took not only good driving skills but also God’s protection to make our way.


感謝你忠心地為我們禱告。 我們蒙恩安全從里諾到西雅圖,然後從西雅圖抵達溫哥華。道路結冰嚴重,我們看到不少汽車和卡車滑到一邊,卡在雪裡。在這種天氣出遠門,不僅需要良好的駕駛技術,還需要上帝的保守才能讓我們安全抵達。

In Seattle, we stayed with Ren & Angela. Ren and Doug are friends from secondary school. That means they have been friends for 55 years. Ren & Angela have 7 children. They are all adults now. I found it interesting that many years ago, a guy who had decided to maintain single all his life long changed his mind after staying few months with Ren & Angela due to a severe leg injury. And he got married 4 years later. They had never said anything about marriage to him during his stay. And they lived real life, including getting through their arguments. We are thankful to God for having deep conversations with Ren & Angela and learning a lot from them.


We visited one of the supporting churches of PIM on Sunday, and spent the afternoon with Ed, one of PIM board members, and his wife, Mary. They spoiled us with a wonderful boat ride. We enjoyed it though the weather was not so good. At part of the boat ride, I felt so peaceful that the time seemed to still. Mary’s parents used to be missionaries serving in Taipei. Though they left Taiwan even before I was born, she spoke few words of Chinese, and that made me feel connected.


After Seattle, we have stayed with Don and Gloria in Vancouver for a week. They are parents of one of Douglas’ daughter-in-law, and former missionaries in PNG. God has warned up our hearts in such cold weather through their loving generosity, and we have so many stories to share with each other. It’s such a sweet time of fellowship. 在西雅圖之後,我們在唐和格洛麗亞在溫哥華的家住了一個星期。他們是道格拉斯一個兒媳婦的父母,之前他們也是新幾內亞的宣教士。上帝透過他們的愛心慷慨使我們在寒冷的氣候中心中備感溫暖,而且我們有很多故事可以彼此交通。真是美好的團契時間。

During our stay in Vancouver, Melvin and Jane who lived close to the boarder came cross and met up with us. They have been long-term partners of PIM for 37 years, working on pastors’ training and literacy. When they first came to PNG, they didn’t have children yet. But now they are grandparents.

We were expecting to visit Douglas first wife’s aunt, some other relatives, mission partners and supporting churches. But we realized that coming to Canada did not make a meaningful departure off the USA. Therefore, I am going to leave Canada for PNG on the 19th. And hopefully Douglas will meet me up in Wewak after New Year. It is disappointing to us and many others, and will cause extra cost. But thinking that we are in good hand of God, we are content and would like to pray for those who have to make some dangerous trips.

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God bless me with a safe journey back to PNG, Douglas a safe drive from Vancouver back to Reno.

2. May God grant me His divine wisdom and guidance in being a good wife and new skills I have to learn to assist Douglas in PIM.

3. There are 50 teachers serving in PIM schools in the remote areas in PNG. May God grant them safe journey to their home villages for annual school break and Christmas holidays, and make them give good testimonies for Christ to their families and relatives.
PIM (太島宣教事工) 有五十位老師在新幾內亞偏鄉的PIM學校服務。求神保守他們返鄉度年假及聖誕節旅途平安,並使他們在家人親戚中為基督做好見證。

4. May God give guidance to Meni Beach Baptist Church Wewak PNG in developing the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital. (The two pastors’ wives are figuring out how to get the fabrics that are suitable, affordable, and available.)

5. Due to changes of international situation, PIM has problems issuing text books on Christian education for schools in PNG. May God grant divine wisdom in reconsidering in which country to issue these books that are demanded in larger and larger amounts every year, and bless our relationship with the printers and the distributers.

6. PIM is working with The Education Department of PNG on a new project of providing high schools in PNG with 100,000 copies of books for Christian religious education. May God bless the funding, printing and distributing.

7. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

8. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊