Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Three of the Level 1 passed the exam for the certificate last week. All the others will have to wait for me to come back in July or in August. Sabeth told me that she is getting a lot better in understanding the tailor’s ruler.


Living in PNG, we have to be always ready for something unexpected. Douglas was supposed to have an important on-line meeting with the board in the US at 8 a.m. last Wednesday. However, the network in Ambunti got cut off 12 hours before that. Without very much sleep at night, we got up very early, and took a 90 minutes boat ride to Pagwi, where people transfer between boats and trucks. Douglas had his meeting there and, at someone’s porch, he did the necessary office work that requires network. The unexpected trip to Pagwi disturbed our plan for the next few days. And later on, we were told that the network deficiency was caused by the run off of the fuel for the generator. No fuel, no power; and no power, no network. 

This week, we had an unexpected trip to Pagwi again!  We were to fly from Ambunti to Wewak on Tuesday, and was originally told that we were to be picked up by the plane first thing in the morning. However, it did not show up in the morning. And we were told that it would come at 3 p.m. And then, at 5 p.m. we got the news that the propeller of the plane was damaged while it was landing in a place called Black Water. The ground of the airstrip there was too wet, and the nose wheel of the plane dug into the soil. Praying for the plane and the pilot of Mission Aviation Fellowship, Douglas arranged people to take us by boat to Pagwi, and by car to Wewak on Wednesday as our flights that go Wewak- POM- Cairns (Australia) are on Thursday. Thanks to God that we managed to come to Wewak now. The driver was speeding for some reason and made the 6 hours mountain road journey into 3 hours that made Douglas throw up on the way and me feel spinning.


We failed to go to Oum last Thursday. But we visited the PIM school in Dangeshen on Friday morning. It took a 2 hours boat ride to get there as the tide was high enough for the boat to sail all the way to the village. Or it could have taken another few hours walking and pushing the boat in the mud. There were 120 students from grade 1 to grade 3 in Dangeshen. We had seen some higher grades students rowing their canoes to school when we came. Douglas was asked to have a meeting with the board of the school, discussing the possibility of running more advanced grades in this school. And I was asked to give details about the sewing courses to the church women. They showed their interest in it, but I only allow them to have 2 women to come to the course at a time. There was a ceremony of paying bride price at the other side of the village. And that opened my eyes!!! It would take around 10 years to collect enough help and support from friends and relatives to be able to pay the bride price. And that is very important part of means for PNG people to build up their relationship network. 


On the way back to Ambunti, the motor of the boat had some problem with the starter. And we had to be ashore at a very small village called Mariwai. That was where the founder of PIM, O’Neal and Martha Kooyer, first stayed when they came for the Bible translation in the East Sepik Province in 1961. I can’t imagine what it was like 62 years ago as it was hard for me to walk even with the help of Douglas. PIM started the school here just this year. The school was finished for the day. But the teacher, Carol, came to meet us up. There were 36 students, and the village was so small that there won’t be a new class in 3 years. Douglas likes to say, “Everything you do matters.” What O’Neal and Martha started in such a small and difficult place even before I was born has now influenced 4 generations of people in the entire enormous area. So that people like Carol can be well educated and come back to teach in a village where her mother tongue is spoken, and hopefully make the education in this area run in a positive cycle.    

I am extremely sleepy at the moment, and supposed to hop on the early morning flight tomorrow. But I couldn’t wait to write this letter to you. Perhaps God would like to say something to your heart through it. Anyway, everything you do matters.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.  May God be in charge of the fuel crisis in PNG.

2.  The system problems of the bank used by PIM have not been solved yet, the staff of PIM in Wewak spend hours in the bank every week. PIM have to make fund transaction from the US to PNG several times a month. May God bless the fund wiring process.

3.  May God strengthen AOG Church in Malu and cease the fights among villages. 

4.   May God give peace, wisdom and courage to the women who have been trained in the Level 1 and Level 2 sewing courses, so that they are able to run Dorcas Fellowship in their own churches.

5.   May God bless MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) in sorting their difficulties in manpower and aircrafts. (Especially for the pilot and the aircraft that are stuck in Black Water.)  

6.  Douglas and I are going to Australia, and stayed a week. May God bless our trip and work there.  道格拉斯和我將到澳洲一個星期,求神保守我們的行程及在那裏的工作。

7.  May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

8.  My visa is due on July, 10th, and Douglas’ visa is due on June 14th. The application is in process. May God be in charge.  

9.  May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊