Dear all who participate in our journey with your prayers, peace from the Lord be with you.

Praise the Lord for we are blessed to be entrusted by Him in the mission fields or on the support teams. Thank you for your support in persistent prayers. May God be pleased by our unity in His kingdom.



We have shared Bible story study in the women’s fellowship of Meni Beach Baptist Church this month. They had finished their old material and were still waiting for the new one to come. And the tok pinsin Bible story I had prepared last month happened to be the Bible chapters that they were supposed to study. Knowing that it was God’s interfering, I started sharing the Bible stories with them and led the study. All of the participants were very interested in it. Everyone participated in the discussion and took notes. It was so cheerful that we were all emerged in God’s Words.


Staying in the guest house, we allowed a senior work lady, Patricia, to come to us for the sewing class. But we could have only one lady to come at the same time. After the class, she left with a big smile of satisfaction. Praise the Lord! His face shines on us. After that, more work ladies of the guest house would like to come to class. But we had found the place to rent and were preparing for moving. They would have to wait until we have settled down.


Because of God’s mercy, through the information from an American missionary, on the morning of 6th August Kellen and I finally found the rental flat that was exactly like what we had prayed to God for: meeting our budget, with electricity and water, secured, highly approachable, in the local neighborhood, with a big yard for teaching, and with a big tree. The house condition and the location of it is much better than the house we had a look at last month that was double the price. God has been so gracious to us. The average rental in Wewak is much higher than in Taipei. It had been considered impossible to find a good place that meets with our budget. When we were being given negative answers even through help of many people, God still granted us with divine peace and joy. We knew that without God’s interfering we could never find a place that meets with both our needs and budget. God’s Work is so marvelous. May He be glorified.


Last Friday afternoon, we left the guest house and moved into the flat. All of those who had tried to help us shared the joy of being through God’s provision. I think this includes you who have prayed for us about renting a house. We realized that our place is right under the hill of the guest house we had stayed in. And Patricia’s brother and sister are our neighbors. This week we will be busy getting our classes organized. A week ago we wouldn’t have thought that it would happen so soon. God’s guidance has been so marvelously out of our expectation.


Please keep remembering us about the following player requests:

1. May God heal my friend, Christa, from the huge pain in her belly of that the reason cannot be found.

2. May God provide for us with a car.

3. May God’s merciful love dwell in the classes we are running.

4. May God look after Kellen’s mother and my parents.

Prayer Wall







All for Him

