Dear all,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God have allowed us to promote Bible-story telling in Tainan and in Kaohsiung. We have scheduled some events that are to take place in October and November.



This is the second time for me to conduct the Art Therapy program in my church. The participants are much more confident than they were last time. This is very encouraging to me.


Concerning the math classes that is another outreaching project of my church, I had been told that the classes I was going to teach with would have been very wild. Praise the Lord that my first week have been going smoothly and the students are very nice to me.


As I have been busy as a bee, some other challenge is approaching: the doctor is scheduling a 12-week-long electrotherapy for my dad’s prostate cancer. Well, my dad is 82 and he has been the main caregiver of my mom who is a patient of MCI. My brother and I need to figure out what to do next. Especially my dad is under too much pressure. As I am a missionary, he has been struggled letting me know about his needs. I didn’t realized until last month that he was robbed 2 years ago and had decided not to have any ATM cards since then.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus--- Philippians 4:6, 7

應當一無罣慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,帶著感謝,將你們所要的告訴神;神那超越人所能理解的平安,必在基督耶穌裡,保衛你們的心懷意念。 (腓立比書四 6-7)

Please participate in cross-cultural mission through your prayers:

1. May God be in control of the epidemic of COVID-19 in PNG. The latest number of confirmed cases in PNG is 516. Last week it was 503.

2. May God use the workshops and lectures we provide to bless churches in Taiwan.

3. May God grant His Divine Wisdom to us and bless our study.

4. May God grant His divine healing and protection to Kellen’s old mother and my old parents.

5. May God be in control of the process of our working visa application in PNG.


一、 願神掌管新冠肺炎在新幾內亞的疫情。最新得到的確診人數是516,上星期是503

二、 願神使用我們提供的工作坊及講座,成為台灣眾教會的祝福。

三、 願神賞賜給我們屬天的智慧,保守我們在課程中的學習。

四、 願神對Kellen年邁的母親及我年邁的父母賞賜祂屬天的醫治跟保護。

五、 願神在我們申請新幾內亞工作簽證的程序中掌權。

All for Him



In Christ
