Dear all,

Happy New Year! How are you making your new year resolution? May you be renewed each every day in the Lord.

2019 was a very significant year to me. It was not that everything went smooth. But it was the year that God carried me through storms and disciplined me and shaped me in all every day.




Last month, both Kellen and I got ill, and my father was in hospital for few days. Praise the Lord that He made Kellen and I learn to humble down and regularly take medicines given by the doctors. And He gave us the right timing to figure out my parents’ dining problem as they are vegetarians and suffering from some health difficulties. Thanks to the Lord that so far I have managed to find a canteen that is able to deliver meals to my parents. Our God is so good that He turns difficulties into opportunities to make a change.


On 22nd, December, I shared the massage in Taichung. The pastor of the church, Pastor Chen, had been my former student in the seminary. He, his wife and I had a very wonderful time talking about God’s calling and God’s guidance all through the years. They have had great commitment to God in accompanying their tribal people who was once lost in the city, leading them to study Bible, staying with them in all difficulties, helping them get rid of the addiction of gambling and alcohol. I believe that they were angels sent by God to cultivate my faith and courage.


God gave me the opportunity to attend the gathering of a gospel team of the seniors. This team has last for 37 years!!!! And I was so blessed to observe that a very old mama officially apologize to a retired pastor couple for her rudeness. And she thanked them for keeping visiting her family for many years even when she rejected them. Now she is a very faithful team member. They were really a very good school to me, teaching me not to be weary in well doing and to wait for the season of reaping.

神給我機會參加一個長青福音隊的年終聚會,這個福音隊已經持續37年了!!! 因著神的恩典,我可以目睹一位老媽媽為她粗魯的態度向一對退休牧師夫婦正式道歉,並且感謝他們在她拒絕他們時仍然持續探訪她的家庭。現在她是福音隊裡忠心的同工。他們真是活生生的好學校,教導我行善不可喪志,要等待收成的時候。

I am so loved by God that He has sent people to show me what love is. May God maintain us in His love all the time. He is Love. Your walking along with us is very much appreciated. Please keep praying for us:


1. May God guide me in my message delivery on the coming Sunday morning in a church in Tai-Nan.

2. May God give me wisdom to reduce my old pa-pa’s burden of taking care of my mom.

3. May God guide us with the application of PNG long term visa.

4. May God bless our preparation for the cross-cultural mission camp that is going to take place on January 12th in Kaohsiung for the 20th anniversary of Kaohsiung Mission Fellowship, and for another cross-cultural mission camp on January 17th in Chung Li.


1. 接下來的主日早上,Sandy在台南的教會講道。求神引導。

2. 老爸爸照顧老媽媽壓力很大。求神給我智慧減輕爸爸的壓力。

3. 求神引導我們申請新幾內亞的長期簽證。

4. 一月12日適逢高雄宣教團契成立十周年。我們在高雄舉辦跨文化宣教體驗營。一月17日我們應TMM(台灣動員宣教協會)安排,在中壢也舉辦跨文化宣教體驗活動。求神保守一切的預備工作。

Thank you for being our partners




All for Him

