Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Your sharing our ministry through your prayers means a lot to us as we are facing challenges that come upon to us one after another.



As I mentioned in my last letter, Kellen and I would like to start again finding out our way back to PNG while we are waiting for the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Very soon after my last letter, I lost one of my major monthly donations. My financial difficulty has brought me to a deeper conversation with God as it could hinder our way back to the mission field.


The night before my first trip to PNG in 2011, I was in the emergency department of the hospital with a fever as my intestines were bleeding. I asked God, “Why? Why now?” God gave me His divine peace and I realized it was that Satan was trembling since a missionary submitted herself to God’s calling. Therefore, I sent my prayer requests to many of my church friends and took off for PNG the next day. My bleeding continued while we first arrived and stay one week in the town. But as we entered the jungle villages in the swampy area and started our ministry, the bleedings soon stopped and I got well very soon though the life in the tribal village was quite a big challenge to a city person like me.


I believe that God is in charge and my financial difficulty means Satan is trembling again. Let’s all witness God’s power and strength. May His will be done!


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give us peace while we are waiting, and pave the way for us to go back to PNG.

2. May God show His mercy and cure the pain on kellen’s knack and her back that is bothering her a lot.

3. May God bless our donors and give us enough monthly incoming donation.

4. I just finished the “D2B” course on one-to one outreach last week, and will start applying it to a friend next month. May God grant me the Divine Wisdom.

5. May God bless my dad’s recovery from the cataract surgeries, and remain his driver’s license.

All for Him



In Christ
