Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Last week’s on-line meetings went very well. And I learned a lot from the 4-evening-long meeting.



Over the years, we have encountered many churches that would like to become “church of mission” but don’t go anywhere further for a decade. In the meeting last week, I found out what the problem is. Most churches think a church of mission means the number of missionaries they send and the number of churches they plant. But the reality is that it takes a lot of seminars to make the church mission minded, it takes about 10 years to cultivate a called one to become a qualified missionary in the field, and it takes countless missionaries’ blood to evangelize a land. It’s more blessed to give than to receive. To become a church of mission means to input to the Kingdom of the Lord without expecting a pleasant number to satisfy the church: church leaders must decide to support missionaries that are not from other churches, to educate and produce mission mobilizers before producing missionaries, and to participate in missionaries’ ministries with your faithful prayers and regular support. What you sow might become someone else's harvest after a decade and you might be harvesting what someone sowed a decade ago.


Last week was busy and fruitful. Kellen came back with her first piece of carpentry work, and I finished my first work of kids' clothing. Sandy+Kellen=109 years old. Who says old dog can't learn new tricks? Thanks to God for the opportunity to learn. Glory to Him.


CMMI (Chinese Mission Mobilization International) is going to hold an on-line mission camp in the beginning of December. It will be in Chinese. And you are invited no matter where you are.

CMMI (國際華人動員宣教協會)將在十二月初舉辦線上的宣教營,這是講中文的國際營會。無論您在哪個國家都歡迎您參加。按此報名

Please remember us in your prayers.


1. I was told that all reachable public-expense senior people's day-care centers are packed, and there are tree dozens people in the queue . May God give me wisdom and patience needed to make caring arrangements for my parents.


2. Being very busy, I have been feeling exhausted and sick. May God heal me.


3. We are planning to go to PNG in the end of February 2021. May God guide us in preparation and communication.我們計劃2021年二月到新幾內亞。求神引導我們做好預備及溝通的工作。

All for Him



In Christ
