Dear all,

Thank you for your interceding in the Lord. I have got well from my bad cold. The trip to the northern Taiwan went very well and the power of God’s Spirit worked with what I shared in the trip.



Kellen have made a MP4 file of our ministry in PNG this year. Sorry that it’s only in Chinese. Please click it here to watch the film. The bird view of Wewak is awesome though. May God use the film to evoke awareness of cross-cultural mission among His Church.


Since 2011 when I started getting involved in the ministry in PNG, I have been aware that I am called by God alone, not by anybody else, PNG or any ministries. But at times, God has His own way to remind me how much He has “planted” PNG in me. Earlier this month, as I was taking a walk after my meal. I ran into 2 PNG ladies who came to Taiwan for a conference of women’s shelter that was very much related to our ministry in PNG. They were also extremely amused by God that He made them bump into someone who spoke their language even in Taiwan.


Yes, God has made me never stop thinking or talking about PNG. And over the years, all my effort has been put into the ministry in PNG. And God has also used PNG to shape me the way He is delighted. Or I should use the word “finger-shape” instead of “shape”. My life has truly touched by His mighty hands as He is shaping me. This is a process that is full of His unconditional love. Therefore, I am willing to be “finger-shaped” by God. I hope what I share to you make you come to His face too.


Kellen and I are planning to go to PNG again in February of 2020. Please participate in our journey through your prayer.


1. May God bless our work permit application and the registration of PNGMM (PNG Mission Mobilization).

2. May God give His divine guidance for the message I am going to share in the church on Sunday.

3. May God use the booklet and the film we have issued this year to reach many churches and even the unbelievers that I get to know in the sewing class.

4. May God heal me, give me strength and release the tightness on my chest.

5. May God grant His mercy upon Kellen and cure her pain on her neck and shoulders.

1. 願神保守新幾內亞華人動員宣教協會的立案,以及我們在新幾內亞工作簽證的申請。

2. Sandy接下來的主日有講台的服事,求神帶領。

3. 願神使用我們今年製作的小書及影片觸摸許多教會,甚至讓Sandy在裁縫班未信主的同學當中作見證。

4. 這幾天Sandy常因疲累而胸悶,願神醫治,賜下力量。

5. 願神施恩,醫治Kellen的肩頸疼痛。

Thank you for walking me along the path.


All for Him


