Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. We have arrived in Reno for more than a week and I am still meeting new faces, and I have enjoyed it in the Lord, introducing myself and getting to know them. Douglas had some late nights working, and the report at the board’s meeting last Friday went well. The weather here is much drier and cooler than Taiwan and PNG. It’s God’s grace that I am coping well with the weather.



We travelled to the PIM office in Grass Valley, California yesterday that is 90 minutes away from where we are staying in Nevada. That was a journey on that we had to drive up and down some 2200-meter-high mountains. We passed some construction sites where many pieces of heavy equipment are doing the job of making the roads straighter. Seeing them scoop soil from one place and then take it to fill the valleys, I wonder what the result will look like. Douglas said that we would have a better idea if we had a bird's eye view.


I was invited to and joined the morning walk of some church ladies last Friday. As we were walking along the trail by a lake, I was sharing stories of me and other missionaries. Some of the stories might not be as successful as they would have hoped to be. One of the ladies asked, “What is the main purpose of God calling missionaries to go to the mission fields?” Well, the answer can be varied by experiences of individual missionaries. And my answer was, “We have ministries in the mission fields to witness for the Lord and to benefit people. But we mainly witness for the Lord by living amongst the local people and letting God use us as He wishes. Our listening to and obeying God is the best witness.” Too bad that we can’t always take the bird's eye view of God’s work, and we might not totally understand God’s work upon us over the years. But we trust His way is being made straight no matter what, and our efforts used in preparing for His Kingdom to come.

上週五,我被邀請參加了教會婦女的晨走。 當我們沿著湖邊的小徑散步時,我與她們分享我和其他宣教士的故事。有些故事可能並不像她們希望的那樣成功。其中一位女士問:「神呼召宣教士去宣教禾場的主要目的是什麼?」好吧,答案可能因個別宣教士的經歷而異。我的回答是,「我們在宣教禾場各有事工來見證主並造福人們。但是,我們見證主的方式主要是藉由居住在當地人當中,並讓神做任何他想臨到我們的事情。我們聆聽和順服神的旨意是最好的見證。很可惜我們不能總是從鳥瞰的角度來看待神的工作,我們可能不完全理解神多年來在我們身上的工作。但我們相信,無論發生什麼,都是在修直神的道路,我們都在準備迎接神的國度。

Because of being married to Douglas who does not belong to the same mission organization, I am supposed to leave TMM that is the branch of CMMI in Taiwan. As we are all parts of the body of Christ, let’s trust in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. I will still be doing a sewing and Bible story devotion ministry in PNG. And being Biblical, I am supposed to take marriage as the first priority in my ministries. May God be delighted.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give guidance to Meni Beach Baptist Church Wewak PNG in developing the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital.

2. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

3. Douglas is getting ready for another board’s meeting of PIM that is going to take place on October 28th. May God bless their stewardship.

4. Sandy is supposed to give a short talk in a women’s Bible study group on the morning of September 28th. May God do His work among us.

5. Due to high frequency of changing residences recently, I have some difficulties in spatial cognition. May God heal me.

6. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png