Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. God has granted His mercy to us in Ambunti. The police are taking control of the big fight. Some trouble makers have been fined for what they had done. And the parliament member from Ambunti has promise to deal with compensation related issues. The fish sellers are still too timid to come to the market though.



The teachers of PIM schools have all come to headquarter of PIM in Ambunti, and are receiving teachers’ training. 3 of our 7 partners for the following month arrived today. And my sewing class is still going on. We feel the PIM base is full of activities that we have to move the sewing class to the room under our unit. (One of the pictures shows Douglas making an opening speech to the teachers who have come for the training.)

PIM學校的教師們都來到位於安布恩提的PIM總部,並正在接受教師培訓。我們下個月的 7 個合作夥伴中有 3 個今天到達。而我開辦的縫紉課還在繼續。我們覺得PIM基地已經活動滿檔了,縫紉課也必須挪到我們住處樓下的房間。(其中一張照片是道格拉斯對來受訓的教師們做開訓短講。)

The participants in the sewing class have tried very hard to learn to use rulers, make correct measurements of the body size, and make patterns. All these are very new technics to them as they had not even known the difference between lengths widths. Now, I would not say that they understand the lessons very well. But they are able to do the job correctly when they work together except one who doesn’t function in class at all and keeps asking others to do her work.


However, we did not manage to finish the course last week. And the participants are going to come to me in the afternoon until their sewing projects are all done. Since it is extra class time, they seem to relax and do their sewing work more cheerfully. I am glad that at least 5 out of the 23 Level One students are conducting sewing fellowship in their churches. And they are courageous to come for the Level Two training and are learning very hard in class. Hopefully, they will become blessings of their own people.


What they have learned this time will be enough to keep their church sewing fellowship going for at least 6 months. Therefore, we are not to have them come back for Level Three training when I come back to Ambunti in May. Instead, we will invite some women from the village in another part of Sepik River Basin to come to Ambunti for 2 weeks and receive the Level One training.



Please remember us in your prayers. 



1.  May God bless us with continuous good reception of cellphone signal and network.

2.       May God continue to protect our participants who attend the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion, and bless the teachers’ training of PIM schools that starts this week.

3. PIM is having trouble transferring fund from the USA to PNG due to the currency issue of PNG. The fund that was wired two weeks ago hasn’t shown up in the PNG account yet though Douglas has been keeping tracing the process of it. May God guide Douglas in communicating with the bank.
由於新幾內亞的貨幣問題,PIM將資金從美國匯到新幾內亞的過程遇到一些問題。 即使道格拉斯不斷打電話跟進,兩周前電匯的基金尚未出現在新幾內亞的帳戶中。願上帝引導道格拉斯與銀行進行溝通。

4.  Douglas is having a swollen ankle on his right leg again. May God heal him.  |
道格拉斯右腿腳踝又腫起來了。 願上帝治癒他。

5.  Joseph Ogmu who was a teacher in the PIM school in Ambunti was transferred to the position as the center ma*nager of the PIM base in Wewak last year due to the frequent medical need of his two children. His wife has been quite ill recently. And the hospital blood bank is unable to provide his children's regular need of blood this week. May God grant His mercy to Joseph’s family.

6.   There are unknow sarcomas forming up in my gum. May God heal me.

7.   Douglas and I are planning to go back to Taiwan in March mainly for him to visit my family and relatives and for me to get medical care. May God guide us with the preparations and the trip planning.

8.   May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (NEW 新)