Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas and I came to Kaohsiung on the 10th of March. I had one of my teeth removed last week and the abscess that had existed in my gum for 10 months seems to ease down. Inflamed teeth can cause serious heart diseases. Therefore, in the very old days, missionaries had to have all their teeth removed before they sailed for their mission fields. We are blessed nowadays that transportation is available and we missionaries are able to approach medical help much easier.

We need more patience and prayers in dealing with the documents. In the rapidly changing generation, what remains unchanged is change. However, the more we explore the system, the more we set our eyes upon God.

Douglas seems to enjoy himself in Taiwan, the country he visits for the first time. He works here as hard as he is in PNG and in the USA, having his computer and his phone as his portable office. At times, I find him not stop working even when it is bedtime. That’s because he forgets that he is in Taiwan now and we have the power 24-7 here, and he is used to working hard until the time that the generator is supposed to be shut down.

It is me that seem to suffer from reverse culture shock in Taiwan. And that makes me keep visiting the toilet. It’s good that we are to serve in the aboriginal churches on Sundays. I am always lifted up by God when I am with them. Besides, meeting up with friends is encouraging, too. And it’s nice to know that my updates are forwarded by them to many others and we are supported by more and more in their prayers. May God be delighted by His people work together for His Will.


Meeting up with friends, I have also shared what about mission I have learned from Douglas. And our Taiwanese missionary friends have shared with us what God has led them in new directions of making disciples of all nations. Yes, we all have to seek earnestly for God’s Guidance in this changing world in equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (Eph 4:12) And nobody knows when the “generator” will be shut down, right? Let’s do the work of Him as it is day.
和朋友一起相聚時,我不斷分享了我從道格拉斯那裡學到的宣教模式。我們的臺灣宣教士朋友們也與我們分享了上帝帶領他們使萬民作主門徒的新方向。是的,在這個不斷變化的世界中,我們都必須懇切地尋求上帝的引導,如何裝備聖徒,以成就聖工,得以建立基督的身體(以弗所書 412)。沒有人知道什麼時候「發電機」會關閉,對吧?讓我們趁著白晝做祂的工。

Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.       Due to lacking of foreign currency, PNG is facing severe fuel crisis that leads to power blackout, many flight cancelations, and other social issues. May God’s mercy dwell in PNG.

2.       PIM has found out the way to make successful transfer of the fund to PNG though it costs 4 times as it was done before. May God bless the fund wiring process.
儘管要花費以前的4倍的匯費,PIM (太島宣教事工)已經找到了將資金匯到新幾內亞的方法。求神保守資金電匯的流程。

3.       May God grant His Divine Protection to all PIM school teachers who serve in remote villages.

4.       Two of the generators of PIM are having some problems. And placing the order for getting the needed correct parts is challenging as it is impossible to get after-sales service in Ambunti.  May God have his mercy on the maintenance of the power supply system in the headquarter of PIM in Ambunti, and pave the way for Douglas to place the order of the right parts for the generators.

5.       When I am away, Merolyn, one of the staffs in the education department of PIM, is going to do the work of distributing handouts and sewing materials. May God bless her.
求神保守新幾內亞PIM (太島宣教事工)教育部門同工梅洛琳,在Sandy離開安布恩提期間,由她負責分發講義及縫紉材料。

6.       May God bless our participants who attend the Level Two training course of sewing and Bible story devotion in Ambunti PNG, and give them divine love and courage to be able to conducts Dorcas Fellowship in their own churches.

7.       Pastor Eric is conducting a 4-day-long pastor’s training in Ambunti this week. May God’s Spirit do His work among Pastor Eric and all the 70 participating pastors.

8.    May God heal Douglas’ swollen ankle.  

9.       May God guide us in working, having medical treatments, delivering messages, dealing with the documents, and visiting family and friends in Taiwan.

10.   May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (Feb.)

The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊 (Mar.)New