Shalom, dear all!

Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas and I have been doing well.



Dan & Bev are visiting their daughter’s family in Seattle. Before leaving, Bev told me that I was allowed to harvest their produce in the back yard. It has been very inner healing to pick different types of tomatoes and cucumbers in a small garden. There are a lot of things for me to learn, too. The other day, I said to Douglas, “This is a very safe community that Dan and Bev don’t need to keep a dog to watch the house.” Douglas found it amusing and said, “People here don’t keep dogs for watching the house. We keep dogs for company.” Switching among the cultures of Taiwan, PNG, and the US, I have a lot to learn. And I am blessed that people surrounding me are always patient and allow me time to improve. I have never seen a dishwasher in PNG. In Taiwan, very few of my friends use dishwashers, and many people consider it wasting to use a dishwasher, or even a washing machine. In the US, I was often told, “Sandy! Why are you washing the dishes in the sink? Put them in the dishwasher.” That means people in PNG would not know what I talk about when I mention about dishwashers; people in Taiwan think dishwashers consume too much water and electricity; and people in the US think dishwashers help people save water as well as time. There are a lot of culture lessons that are to train us to be understanding and cultural aware. Apostle Paul said, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” It’s good for me to learn to accept differently as long as it’s Biblical.

丹尼爾和蓓芙琳正在西雅圖探望他們女兒一家人。在離開之前,蓓芙琳告訴我,我可以採收他們在後院的果菜。在小花園裡採摘不同類型的番茄和黃瓜非常療癒。在這裡我也有很多事物需要學習:前幾天,我對道格拉斯說:「這是一個非常安全的社區,丹尼爾和蓓芙琳不需要養狗來看房子。」道格拉斯覺得我說的話很有意思,他說:「這裡的人不會養狗來看房子。我們養狗是為了作伴。」在臺灣、新幾內亞和美國的文化之間切換,我有很多要學。很幸運,我周圍的人總是很有耐心,讓我有時間改進。我從未在新幾內亞見過洗碗機。在臺灣,我的朋友很少人有洗碗機,許多人認為使用洗碗機甚至洗衣機是浪費的。在美國,我常聽到:「Sandy!你為什麼在水槽裡洗碗? 把它們放在洗碗機裡。」這意味著當我提到洗碗機時,PNG的人不會知道我在談論什麼;臺灣人認為洗碗機消耗了太多的水和電;美國人認為洗碗機可以幫助人們節約用水和時間。這有什麼對和錯呢?不重要吧?有很多文化經驗可以訓練我們文化意識,使我們可以體諒不同人的不同想法。使徒保羅說:「向甚麼樣的人,我就作甚麼樣的人。無論如何,總要救些人。凡我所行的,都是為福音的緣故,為要與人同得這福音的好處。」只要不違背真理,學會接受別人不同的做事方式對我總是好的。

Douglas and I went to a special funeral this month. Dr. David died a few days after we arrived in Reno. He and his wife, Diane, served in PNG right after he retired in 2007. And he also served in Myanmar and some African countries, setting up orphanages. As he was enthusiastic in helping people, and he was always there when his colleagues were in need, it was hard to believe that he was a father of 12 children. Several his children went up to the stage and talked about him, they all mentioned about the adventures he had taken them to. Listening to their stories of adventures, I was impressed that one of his sons said that he was actually quite scared walking on the narrow trails along the cliff in the Great Canyon, crossing rivers that were deep and running rapidly, camping in the middle of nowhere in darkness. But his Dad was with him, hugged him in his warm arms and comforted him when he was scared, and that gave him peace and strength to keep going.


I have been having more opportunities to share messages recently. People like to know about stories of challenges of missionaries. Instead of talking about challenges, I would rather like to focus on how God leads a weak person like me to do something I have never thought of, and how God guides me, protects me, provides me, and comforts me. “Emmanuel” means God be with people. This is the most common Christian greeting, and is the central concept that gives consistency to the entire Bible. God is our good father. Emmanuel makes you and me able to keep going.


Please remember us in your prayers.


1. May God give guidance to Meni Beach Baptist Church Wewak PNG in developing the ministry of making sanitary napkins for school girls and women who newly give a birth in the hospital. (The two pastors’ wives are figuring out how to get the fabrics that are suitable, affordable, and available.)

2. May God give confidence and willingness to those who have received Level One sewing training in Ambunti PNG that they will all use what they have been trained for developing Dorcas fellowship in their churches, and they will be better prepared for receiving Level Two sewing training.

3. Douglas is getting ready for the annual board’s meeting of PIM that is going to take place on October 28th. May God bless their stewardship.

4. ouglas and I have to drive over the mountains to and from home and the office every week, passing some construction sites. May God keep us safe in the journey.

5. I am supposed to make a major alternation with my website due to the switch of my identity. May God grant me His Divine Guidance.

6. May God make me a blessing to people I encounter when I am in the US, and make what I say and how I live deliver His message.

7. May God take care of my old parents, grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014

IG: chao.sandy.png


The latest update of Douglas 道格拉斯近期通訊