

Dear all,

It has been more than three weeks since I last wrote to you. The six months old sore that I mentioned in the letter started to dry out right after the letter was sent. Praise the LORD for He always listens to our prayers.


Kellen & I have been back to Taiwan for 2 weeks. We have been busy taking Bible classes, visiting our doctors, tidying up our place, and debriefing to our sending base, TMM (Taiwan Mission Mobilization). Because of God’s mercy, all the tasks have been being done about time, especially the job of tidying up can be done before I get extremely busy. In the coming two weeks, I am going to take very intensive sewing classes. And we are going to start sharing messages in churches.







When I was in PNG, I miss my parents very much. Now as I am back to Taiwan, I left my heart in PNG. Do you still remember that we made a SK2 Prayer Wall when we were raising the fund earlier this year? We have been like the two spies sent by Joshua. It was not only two of us. Many of you participated through your prayers. And I wrote to you to even let you know that one of my teeth broke. Now it’s time for us to give thanks to the LORD:

1. God enabled us to have sweet fellowship with the Chinese church in POM, the capital of PNG.

2. God prepared the rental apartment that was unbelievably perfect for us.

3. God granted us very nice co-operation with Meni Beach Baptist Church.

4. God gave us our “Lydia” in Wewak: our landlord took good care of us; our church pastors supported us very much; and we started training staffs.

5. God fulfilled the vision of “Mission Dorcas” that He had put in my heart on April 26th. In Wewak, our “Dorcas’ Fellowship” had 21 participants who would attend even in heavy rain.


In human’s eye, I might not be very qualified to serve the LORD in PNG, considering my age, health, talent and gift. Anyway, I can merely obey God’s calling, follow His guidance step by step, cry for His sustention in every moment, and watch His hand in everything. However, even now I am still asked, “Why do you go to PNG? Isn’t it safer and more comfortable to stay in Taiwan?” Of course, it’s safer for a plane to stay on the ground. But it’s not what a plane is made for. God calls us to be descendants of Abraham ---Christians--- is to make us blessings of all nations. That is to become a cross cultural missionary or to get involved in cross cultural ministries.

「多加事工」只是國際華人動員宣教協會(CMMI)在新幾內亞開設立基地的第一步,我們要走的路還很長,敬請更多主內兄姐在各方面長期的參與及扶持。SandyKellen從現在起到明年一月底都還在台灣募款。懇請各位牧長惠賜講台機會,也敬請各位兄姐協助介紹及安排SandyKellen到貴教會、小組及團契分享異象。若是能行,敬請報名並撥冗參加十一月15Sandy Kellen在高雄聖光神學院主講的宣教體驗講座。

“Mission Dorcas” is merely step one for Chinese Mission Mobilization International to set up the base in PNG. We have long way ahead to go. And we would like to gather a lot more long term participations and supports from all churches and Christian individuals. Kellen and I will be raising fund in Taiwan until the end of January 2020. Please help us with opportunities to share messages in your church, cell group and fellowship. And please, if possible, sign up for the cross cultural mission seminar that will take place in Holy Light Theological Seminary on November 15th.


All for Him


In Christ
