Shalom, dear all!
Thank you for faithfully praying for us. Douglas had a productive shopping trip in Australia. And my visa application process has moved from the Labor Department to the immigration though it has been in the tubes for a year. Now we are back to Wewak.

I had been quite ill before we went to POM. And I caught a severe flu while staying in POM that knocked me down and put me in bed for 3 days. Not being fit enough for the rough journey back to Ambunti, I have to rest few more days in Wewak. Hopefully, we will be going back to Ambunti later this week and life can be back to normal. But we are waiting to see what the visa agent would say and if we need to make another trip to PIM, or to leave the country. Anyway, I need to get well.

Knowing that they are in my mind, he ladies in Ambunti sent me photos of the women’s group having their sewing class. They are making a sleeveless top that is project developed for an extensive course for Level Two. Wondering how great the patience it takes Beverlyn and Jennifer to teach in the church, I trust them in God’s Mighty Hands.  Some of  photos were sent from AOG church.  They are doing the original project for Level Two.

We are still praying about upgrading sewing resource in Ambunti. In May 2022, we bought four hand-paddled sewing machines for class use. Hand-paddled sewing machines break easily and don’t last long. The participants have spent more than half of the time in class struggling with the machines instead of sewing. But most of the sewing women in PNG use this type of sewing machine, probably because most households do not have electricity supply. At that time, there were also many electric sewing machines in the stores in Wewak, which cost about two times as much as hand-paddled sewing machines. They don’t last long either, mainly because of the weather and users’ knowledge on mechanics. Last year, hand-paddled machines and electric ones started to withdraw from the stores in Wewak. What are on the shelves are mainly rejected NG products. But one of the stores has imported quite a number of industrial sewing machines with basic sewing function which cost about 5 times as much as hand-paddled ones. They work very efficiently and hardly break down.

At the end of 2022, a missionary who served in Africa told us that their team were rejected to take a great lot of donated used computers into the mission field and were asked by the custom office to pay a lot of money for disposing those used computers. This inspired me that no third-world countries would like to be treated like secondary countries, and they welcome resources that make them upgraded. I am also thinking that although most houses in rural areas do not have electricity, our classroom equipment must prepare them for jobs with electricity. Whether preparing them for the development of electricity in their villages, or preparing for their going to towns with electricity to develop their careers, we should develop the sewing resources of the classroom in the direction of upgrading.


Please remember us in your prayers. 


1.   PNG government is short of US Dollars for buying fuel. The chain effects have caused a sharp rise in prices and other social issues. May God help PNG government in sorting out the fuel crisis.   
新幾內亞政府缺乏購買燃油的美元。 其連鎖效應導致物價大幅上漲及其他社會問題。 願上帝幫助新幾內亞政府解決燃油危機。

2.   Mission Aviation Fellowship is facing severe shortage of manpower, aircrafts and fuel. May God has His mercy on the great needs of missionaries in PNG.   

3.   PIM has been having a project with The Education Department of PNG, distributing 100,000 copies of religious education textbooks to high schools in all provinces in PNG. May God bless the big job of distribution.  

4.   May God grand wisdom and patience to the trained women in the sewing training course in developing the sewing ministries of Dorcas Fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambnuti and the AOG Church in Ambunti.

5.   May God give me wisdom in efficiently helping the ladies here in long term with pricy sewing resource.

6.  May God remember Beverlyn’s & Jennifer’s hearts in serving Him in the sewing ministry, and provide their families with their needs.

7.   May God bless the work of the Women’s fellowship in South Sea Evangelical Church in Ambunti at raising fund for the generator.

8.   May God remember Douglas’ hard working and bless him with good health.    

9.   May God strengthen me and make me fit enough for the rough journey on the road and river.    

10. Yesterday, there was a big flight in the water front of Sepik River, Pagwi, where people transit between cars and boat, and houses were burnt down. May God bless us a safe journey back to Ambunti.   

11.   May God pave our path to renewing my work visa.  

12.   May God grant His mercy in my old parents’ financial needs, take care of them, and grant them salvation, health, peace and joy.

13.   May God watch over my brother’s family:remember their hard working and traveling, and bless their work and study.

All for Him



In Christ


Line ID : sandytw2014


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The latest update of Douglas Feb. 2024 道格拉斯近期通訊 2024年二月(New)


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